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President Donald Trump is planning lunch with GOP senators after sparring with several of them, as congressional Republicans turn to overhauling the tax code. It will be Trump’s first appearance

Relying on an automatic translation, Israeli police mistakenly arrested a Palestinian man last week because they thought he had published a Facebook post saying “Hurt them,” when what he had

President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer is scheduled to speak Tuesday with investigators for the House probe into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Sources familiar with the House

Eight months after the audacious assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s estranged half brother, a Malaysian court is trying to unweave a complicated web of deception, political intrigue

President Donald Trump’s four-month worldwide ban on refugees ended Tuesday, officials said, as his administration prepared to unveil tougher new screening procedures. Under an executive order Trump signed earlier this

Renting a car has become so simple that it can take just a few minutes from start to finish for the whole process to be done. So why isn’t it

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie on Monday denied making comments attributed to him in a published report that claims he said Donald Trump’s “presidency is over” if he doesn’t recognize

A former guard at the Majdanek death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland has been charged in Germany with being an accessory to murder for allegedly serving there during a period when

For the first time ever, Israel will assist Agunos no matter where they are in the world. Both men and women will qualify for assistance from Israel and the Israeli

Far from the Washington murmurs about his future, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson secretly traveled to two of America’s enduring war zones Monday, prodding leaders in Afghanistan and Iraq

Republican Sen. John McCain left no doubt Monday that he was thinking of President Donald Trump as he criticized the draft system during Vietnam for forcing low-income Americans to serve

A Florida man who described himself as a sympathizer of the Islamic State extremist group faces terrorism-related charges stemming from a purported plot to bomb a Miami-area shopping mall, according

A U.N. committee has added 32 items that have both civilian and military uses to a list of prohibited goods and technologies banned from sale or transfer to North Korea.

Airliners began flying over Twila Lake’s bungalow-style house in a historic district three years ago, taking off every one to two minutes from the Phoenix airport and roaring over her

The Islamic State militants came into the Syrian town with a hit list. By the time they left three weeks later, more than 70 civilians had been killed — shot

A sketch of the Empire State Building drawn by President Donald Trump has sold at auction for $16,000. Julien’s Auctions says the 12-inch-by-9-inch black marker depiction of the iconic New

Within the next three decades, floods that used to strike the New York City area only once every 500 years could occur every five years, according to a new scientific

Palestinian activists have built a monument to the late Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein in the West Bank. The monument, showing a portrait of Saddam in a bowler hat and pointing

Israel’s police are continuing with their recent drive to strictly enforce the “Right Lane” rule. In the past 40 days more than 2,855 tickets were written across the country for

The attached tweets are via Raf Sanchez, who is the Middle East correspondent for the Daily Telegraph U.K. Sanchez began his string of tweets during the Peleg protests on Monday

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