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In light of recent Peleg protests, the following Gedolei Yisrael and Rabbonim Shlita have released a Kol Korei, originally appearing in the Tuesday edition of Yated Neeman. Following is the

MK Yisrael Eichler has been working diligently as in recent months, residents of Bnei Brak and Givat Shmuel are compelled to take a long detour to cross the Geha Highway

Federal prosecutors are seeking an eight-year prison sentence for a suspended Chicago police officer who shot into a car full of teenagers in December 2013, wounding two of them. Officer

Many Israelis have not been concerned about drought as the nation’s water desalination plant has picked up much of the need for water which has not come by natural rainfall.

Agudath Israel of America hails NYS Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s announcement today releasing $25 million to protect nonpublic schools and day care centers located in NYS against hate crimes. This

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked on Tuesday, 4 Cheshvan, addressed a conference during which she touched on a number of matters. One of the points she touched upon is the release

British lawmakers have asked Facebook to release information about Russian-linked activity around the U.K.’s European Union membership referendum and recent election. The House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

“The Lakewood Vaad applauds NJ Attorney General Porrino for his decisive action in bringing a lawsuit against the documented and blatant anti-Semitism exhibited by Mahwah Township officials in multiple instances,” said

(VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The following photos and video are taken from the scene of an Egged bus that slammed into a tree in the Yamit 2000 parking

The U.S. special forces unit ambushed by Islamic militants in Niger didn’t call for help until an hour into their first contact with the enemy, the top U.S. general says,

Bayit Yehudi Chairman Naftali Bennet launched an attack against Israel’s High Court of Justice in his address on Monday to the special Knesset session marking the beginning of the winter

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman does not agree with those experts who opine that rockets which exploded in the Golan Heights on Shabbos were ‘spillover’ from the ongoing civil war in

Likening the conduct of Mahwah township officials to 1950s-era “white flight” suburbanites who sought to keep African-Americans from moving into their neighborhoods, Attorney General Christopher S. Porrino announced today that

Leading House Republicans on Tuesday revived familiar themes from the 2016 election, announcing two new probes; one into how the Obama administration’s Justice Department handled a deal that gave Russia

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in Pakistan to deliver a tough message on the importance of fighting extremists and driving them from hideouts on Pakistani territory. Tillerson arrived

Kalman Yeger, the Democratic and Conservative candidate for New York City Council, is calling on the city to ease issuing sanitation tickets where it is clear that the violation is

A motorcycle rider was reported severely injured by a vehicle on Highway 4, from the Ganot Interchange in the direction of Missubim Interchange. The injured man, is a chareidi in

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