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Americans could see a lot more drones flying around their communities as the result of a Trump administration test program to increase government and commercial use of the unmanned aircraft.

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The following are Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s remarks in Hebrew at a special Knesset session in memory of former Tourism Minister and retired IDF Brigadier-General Rechavam

Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman chose to set an example for third graders who are vaccinated this year as part of the student’s health services and will be vaccinated with

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Peleg-affiliated Yeshivas Knesset Yitzchak, Hadera, headed by HaRav Yehoshua Erenberg, held shiurim outside IDF Prison 6 on Wednesday in a showing of solidarity with the imprisoned

A significant new development occurred in the Jerusalem neighborhood of N’vei Yaakov this week. After discussion and hearings for over a year in the case of the local council against

Officials say an unspecified security incident has occurred at Miami International Airport and police have one suspect in custody. Airport officials said in a tweet Wednesday that the situation was

North Korea’s ambassador called on the U.N. Security Council Wednesday to urgently discuss the recent U.S. joint naval exercise near the Korean peninsula, calling it preparation for a pre-emptive strike

MKs from the Degel Hatorah party in Knesset are signing a document which states that they are in no way connected to the activities and protests of the Peleg faction.

International Jewish organizations are voicing disappointment over a proposed Polish law aimed at compensating people whose property was seized under communism, saying it excludes most Polish Holocaust survivors and their

(VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A small crowd gathered, causing a difficult situation for IDF military police who were arresting a chareidi deserter on Rashi Street in the capital, outside the

Peter Hirschmann has often recounted his own story of fleeing Germany as a teenager to escape Adolf Hitler’s persecution of the Jews, then joining the U.S. Army to fight the

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) On Wednesday morning 5 Cheshvan, Rabbeim were shocked to discover graffiti at the entrance to the “Boston” Talmud Torah in Bnei Brak condemning President Reuven Rivlin. This

Most Americans say President Donald Trump’s tax plan would benefit the wealthy and corporations, and less than half believe his message that “massive tax cuts” would help middle-class workers, according

Danielle is back with another great dinner idea on! You may have heard of fajitas, but did you know that you can prepare them in advance and then pull

Would you let a stranger in your house to drop off a package? Amazon hopes so. The online retailer said Wednesday that it will launch a service next month called

A Ten Commandments monument in a northwestern New Mexico city at the center of a U.S. Supreme Court fight is coming down. The Daily Times of Farmington, New Mexico, reports

The Democratic front-runner in New Jersey’s governor’s race is getting a double dose of help from the Clintons. Hillary Clinton joined Phil Murphy at a campaign fundraiser Sunday night, and

A soldier who pepper-sprayed Peleg protesters opened up and told her side of the story on Tuesday. The soldier was caught on video by a passerby and the video was

All incoming flights to the United States will be subject to new security screening procedures, including both American citizens and foreigners possibly facing security interviews from airline employees, a U.S.

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