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A question was posed to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita last week regarding a Sefer Torah that fell at one of the most recognized Yeshivas in Israel, asking whether the

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) President Donald Trump wasn’t scheduled to talk to the press on Wednesday. He spent the morning at the White House and was set to jet off

A truck driver has been charged in federal court with threatening to assassinate President Donald Trump in several phone calls to Secret Service field offices. Special Agent Matthew Lariviere wrote

A Jerusalem police spokesman announced preparations for the yahrzeit of Rochel Imeinu have been completed. The yahrzeit is on 11 Cheshvan, Monday night and Tuesday. There will be a heavy

For decades, the existence of secret government files linked to President John F. Kennedy’s assassination has helped fuel conspiracy theories that others besides Lee Harvey Oswald were involved in his

Are you reading this from a mobile device? Based on the following statistics, we are willing to bet you are. Mobile apps account for 67 percent of all digital media usage,

A new study that was published on Wednesday revealed that more and more Charedi families in Israel are managing to balance their monthly bills. The study, which was conducted by

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman took a tour of the Gaza periphery defenses on Wednesday. As part of the tour, Lieberman was shown the continuing development of the obstacle being constructed

The vote was 8 to 6 in favor of handing over two dati leumi schools in Jerusalem to the chareidim as the former no longer has enough students and the

Consumers can now begin previewing 2018 plans and premiums for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, even as President Donald Trump pursues his drive to dismantle the Obama-era law

​Israel joins the international community in marking United Nations Day, a day devoted to “making known to the people of the world the aims and achievements of the United Nations

Walgreens plans to close about 600 drugstores as it completes a $4.38 billion deal to buy nearly 2,000 from rival Rite Aid. Company spokesman Michael Polzin said Wednesday that most

Israel Police arrested another senior Health Ministry official in the food additives affair. On Wednesday morning, 5 Cheshvan, investigators from the National Food Service Department of the Health Ministry arrested

The outgoing Supreme Court president, Miriam Naor, on Thursday read her final verdict during a festive ceremony in court and decided to leave the Chilul Shabbos ruling in Tel Aviv

Yad Vashem honors the late Simone Veil and marks the completion of a 10-year project funded by the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah collecting Names of Hungarian Victims

On Tuesday, 4 Cheshvan 5778, the David’s Sling Weapons System (DSWS) was awarded the prestigious Technology Pioneer Award at the 2017 Multinational Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Conference in Boston, Massachusetts,

A New York City mayoral candidate says he’s “shocked” that so little attention has been paid to his arrest for trying to hijack an airliner at gunpoint 17 years ago.

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) MK (Likud) Yehuda Glick on Wednesday, 5 Cheshvan, visited Har Habayis after receiving special permission from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to do so. The occasion is

The White House says the next request for disaster aid will cost tens of billions of dollars and Congress should consider making cuts in other government programs to finance it.

(VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Last month, when disaster struck Mexico, Cpt. Hay got the opportunity to help save lives with the IDF’s humanitarian mission that responded to the natural disaster

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