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(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Assemblyman Dov Hikind today threatened to release secret video and audio recordings of unspecified threats that he says Jewish leaders have made against each other in

The ceremony for the launch of a MDA Medicycle in memory of IDF soldier Nachshon Waxman HY”D, who was murdered 23 years ago, will take place at Safra Square in

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Kalman Yeger, the Democratic and Conservative candidate for the 44th Council District, gave a powerful performance at tonight’s debate hosted by Hamodia in Borough Park, presenting

A British newspaper received an anonymous phone call about “big news” in the United States minutes before President John F. Kennedy was shot in 1963, newly released files on the

The Chareidi housekeeper who made claims against Israel’s First Lady Sarah Netanyahu, gave testimony to the police today for more than eight hours. The claimant spoke about the goings-on in

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A Jerusalem police spokesman on Sunday morning 9 Cheshvan announced there was sporadic chareidi violence throughout the night motzei Shabbos on Shivtei Yisrael and Haturim Streets,

John John A Senate Intelligence Committee member says Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and the former Democratic Party head need to explain what they knew about a dossier of allegations about

A major health care system serving the upper Midwest said this week that the number of opioid pills it prescribes has fallen by almost a quarter as it works to

On Sunday morning, 9 Cheshvan, two of the deserters arrested during Peleg faction protests in the past week were released by military authorities. The two, avreich Chaim Leib Shepter and

President Donald Trump is unleashing new criticism of the investigations into possible ties between his campaign associates and Russia. Trump — in a series of tweets — is making reference

As people gather in communities across New York and New Jersey to mark the fifth anniversary of Superstorm Sandy on Sunday, a strong storm system was expected to bring heavy

Delta Air Lines says a charter flight carrying the Oklahoma City Thunder from Minneapolis to Chicago apparently encountered a bird early Saturday when it was landing, causing damage that prompted

(VIDEO & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin and his wife Louise Linton arrived in Israel on Thursday morning. They were greeted at the airport by

The head of Gaza security services was wounded when an explosion ripped through his car Friday, according to the Islamic militant group Hamas, which rules the territory. The group called

The Trump administration on Friday proposed new health insurance regulations that could affect basic benefits required by the Affordable Care Act, but not for a couple of years. Loosening “Obamacare”

NBC News reports Jesse Galganov, left his hometown of Montreal on September 24 for an eight-month backpacking trip through South America and Southeast Asia. The Canadian native was fulfilling his dream

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is advancing the idea that President Donald Trump might not want to serve a second term. Christie said Friday on NBC’s “Today” show that four

In a win for the community, following numerous requests from Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein, Councilman Alan Maisel, elected officials and community leaders, the New York City Department of Transportation has approved

Police in New Jersey are searching for the suspect who defaced a patrol car with a swastika. Plumsted police say the car was defaced with the symbol spray painted in

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