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Home runs kept flying over the wall at Minute Maid Park, on line drives up toward the train tracks, on fly balls that just dropped over the fence. Seven more

A lecturer at Bar-Ilan University’s Middle Eastern studies department reportedly insisted on ousting a student who refused to remove her hijab when requested to do so last week as it

U.S. special operations forces captured a militant in Libya accused of playing an instrumental role in the Benghazi attacks, officials said Monday, in a high-stakes operation designed to bring the

President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and Manafort’s business associate Rick Gates face decades in federal prison and millions of dollars in potential fines if convicted on all

A severe storm packing hurricane-force wind gusts and soaking rain swept through the Northeast early Monday, knocking out power for nearly 1.5 million homes and businesses and forcing hundreds of

Senior U.S. national security officials told Congress on Monday a new war authorization is “not legally required” to conduct combat operations against terrorist groups and warned lawmakers that prematurely repealing

Gavaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita has sent a letter to talmidim and avreichim imprisoned by the IDF for being deserters, giving them chizuk and praising their

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) 42 years after the last Culver Shuttle train ran along the 1.1 mile track that connected the now D and F lines, the first phase of

When a 20 year old son, once a rugged IDF soldier, repeatedly asks his mother, “Am I going to die?” what can she possibly answer?  About a year ago, generous

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Israel Police’s Lahav 433 (Major Crimes Unit) uncovered a major counterfeiting operation based in northern Israel. During the Sunday night operation, police arrested six suspects, all

“I am proud to endorse Kalman Yeger for City Council. Kalman is exactly the type of strong, capable, and selfless public servant we need in the Council,” said Brooklyn Borough

(VIDEOS AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) One of the many new MDA Medicycles dedicated at Jerusalem City Hall on Sunday was in memory of IDF soldier Nachshon Wachsman HY”D, as

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A year after Amsterdam (Holland) welcomed a Yeshiva under the guidance of Rabbi Mordechai Frankenhuis, this week marked the founding of a new Kollel in the

According to a Jerusalem Police spokesperson’s report, a PA (Palestinian Authority) resident was arrested on suspicion of stealing the identity of another woman, posing as a hospital cleaner. She was

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) In its fifth year, a fast-growing movement that encourages Jews around the world to observe a single Shabbos attracted record-setting levels of participation. From Oct. 27-28,

In recent months there has been a significant increase in the number of Israelis diagnosed with mumps. Meanwhile, the US Centers for Disease Control announced that it plans to consider

Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon and PA (Palestinian Authority) Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah met secretly on Sunday due to US pressure, towards strengthen economic cooperation between Israel and the Palestinians, Galei

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