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Gymboree has pulled a dress after receiving complaints its “snowflake” design resembled the Star of David Jews were forced to wear on their clothing during the Holocaust. Sophie Cohen of

The heads of the chareidi parties in Knesset; Aryeh Deri, Yaakov Litzman and Moshe Gafni, met Monday with Minister Yariv Levin, who was appointed by Prime Minister Netanyahu to mediate

(COMMUNICATED CONTENT) Due to the overwhelming interest in the posh Ramat Givat Zeev residential project from buyers in the metropolitan New York-New Jersey area, Chish Nofei Israel, the company which

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times) Let’s not just let a yahrtzeit date pass by without improving ourselves significantly. The 11th of Cheshvan, marks the yahrtzeit

Major tech companies plan to tell Congress Tuesday that they have found additional evidence of Russian activity on their services surrounding the 2016 U.S. election. Facebook, for instance, says a

Magen David Adom and IDF sources reported an attempted vehicular terror attack this morning at N’vei Tzuf, in the Binyamin Regional Council area of the Shomron. Soldiers opened fire on

(VIDEOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara, on Monday evening, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem, welcomed Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his

Thanks to the efforts of NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn), Hatzoloh will now be able to rescue more people than ever. Hikind has allocated $1 million in State funding to

The Kushner Cos. says it is cooperating with a request from the Maryland attorney general for information about its operations in the state following media reports critical of its treatment

On Election Day, November 7, 2017, New Yorkers will be asked to vote on a proposed Constitutional Convention. Agudath Israel of America urges its constituents to vote “NO”. It is

Campaign Against Anti-Semitism reports a man from north east London’s Charedi Jewish community, has said that he was approached by a gang of black males, one of whom shouted “(expletive removed)

Fritzie Fritzshall knows she is running out of time. She knows the day will come when she won’t be here to describe being herded onto a boxcar, hearing the cries

Islamic State militants, routed from one urban stronghold after another in Syria, have recently been moving deeper into Syria’s remote desert, where experts say they are regrouping and preparing their

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is currently in Israel, leading a 15-member delegation on a trip aimed at boosting exports, increasing foreign investment in Wisconsin and developing

It has almost become a minhag, that every few years, as the fight between the Beis Yisrael Neighborhood Council by Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem is working to have the area

Saudi Arabia will allow women into sports stadiums as of next year, the kingdom’s latest step toward easing rules on gender segregation — but they will be seated in the

Ben-Gurion University has decided that beginning next year, it is going to accept Arab students without having first taken the psychometric exam, which is a requirement for all to enter

At $7,500 apiece, the handmade custom suits former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort wore were meant to dazzle and impress. An indictment unsealed Monday detailing conspiracy and money laundering

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The Assaf HaRofeh Medical Center is leading a transportation revolution in Israel by offering a free shuttle to the medical center from the beginning of November,

Officials at Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital on Tuesday morning 11 Cheshvan reported a continued improvement in the condition of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita, who is conscious and alert.

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