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Shas hopes to put an end to discrimination against Sephardim on the nation’s currency – both banknotes and coins. Chairman of the Knesset Education Committee MK Yaakov Margi is sponsoring

Billionaire Elon Musk has released a photograph of a tunnel he’s building under a Los Angeles suburb to test a novel transportation concept for a system that would move people

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Three residents of Jerusalem’s Old City are in custody on suspicion of being connected to recent graffiti attacks in the Old City. the recent attack included

Iran’s official IRNA news agency says the Iranian air force is holding its annual military exercise to show off its ability to safeguard the country’s airspace. The drill is taking

Israel on Monday reported it destroyed a terrorist tunnel that began in Khan Yunis in Gaza, and was detected in Israeli territory adjacent to Gaza. It was the first such

Dear Members, Friends, and the Broader Monsey Community, Once again, we, in the Town of Ramapo, find ourselves in the midst of an election campaign to decide who will be

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday, 10 Cheshvan, met with New Zealand Governor General Patsy Reddy who has come to Israel in the framework of the

Top White House aides, including Ivanka Trump, will be lobbying in the U.S. for a tax overhaul while President Donald Trump is traveling in Asia. A White House official says

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The Chief Rabbinate Council met to discuss the recent High Court of Justice decision to reject a petition from Minister Aryeh Deri, thereby permitting grocery stores

Special counsel Robert Muller’s charges against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and two other aides marked a new phase in his sprawling investigation into Russia and President Donald Trump,

Gerrer Chassidus recently held its Zer Zahav Melave Malka in the Grand Hotel Bristol in Stresa, Italy, at which Nachman Vidislovsky, CEO of Mosdos Gur, revealed the chassidus’ fundraising picture

(VIDEO & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A speeding white Home Depot pickup truck drove onto a busy bicycle path near the World Trade Center memorial in Lower Manhattan Tuesday, striking

Avi Kehat of is celebrating the feeling of accomplishment of doing a huge mitzvah, He is ecstatic as the stats indicate that users are seriously utilizing his brainchild Chesed idea. Some

Bernie Sanders, the Vermont U.S. senator who stoked liberal passions nationwide as a Democratic candidate in last year’s presidential contest, stepped into New York politics for a day on Monday,

(VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) There was a major fire in Betar Illit on Tuesday morning, 11 Cheshvan, in a commercial center near the Ohr HaChaim book store. There

A lawsuit filed by Agudath Israel of America charging Jackson Township with violating the constitutionally protected religious rights of Orthodox Jewish residents has been amended to include an additional count

Iran’s supreme leader has restricted the range of ballistic missiles manufactured in the country to 2,000 kilometers (1,240 miles), the head of the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard said Tuesday, which limits

El Al flight 007 from Ben-Gurion International Airport to New York City was compelled to turn around and head back to Tel Aviv on Tuesday, 11 Cheshvan, due to a

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that a former campaign aide thrust into the center of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe “has already proven to be a liar.” On Twitter,

The head of Puerto Rico’s government power company says the agency will scrap a $300 million contract with Whitefish Energy Holdings once it finishes current work on Hurricane Maria recovery

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