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The Times of Israel website on Thursday, 13 Cheshvan 5778, joined the Israeli websites penetrated by hackers. Israel’s Cyber Bureau, the IDF and other intelligence agencies continues working and allocating

The attached images (see below) were taken on Wednesday on the Q train from Manhattan to Brooklyn. An eye-witness took the photos and submitted them to YWN. In his own

It doesn’t take a firearm or a bomb to wreak havoc. All it takes is a driver’s license, a valid credit card, some proof of insurance — and as little

Some saw him as disagreeable and argumentative, others as quiet and prayerful. He was said to be hardworking but also seemed to simmer with disillusionment over financial and career setbacks.

Doznes of Charedim who were traveling from London to Antwerp for a wedding, got stuck in a train that was travelling through the Chunnel (English Channel Tunnel). The train stopped

According to a recent mandate poll conducted at the halfway mark of the Knesset’s current term, the Center-left bloc made up of Yesh Atid and the Zionist Union parties is

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Kalman Yeger, the Democratic and Conservative nominee to replace Councilman David Greenfield, responded to yesterday’s horrific terror attack in Manhattan with a resounding call for greater

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Numerous local, state and federal elected officials descended on Flatbush this past Sunday morning to address the FJCC leadership forum. With an ever changing political landscape

It has been reported that Hamas and Fatah have signed an agreement, bringing an end to hostilities between the factions. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) announced that any Hamas

According to newly-declassified CIA documents, the United States investigated whether Hitler was alive in Colombia in the mid-50s. An informant told agents that the Nazi leader was alive and living

Uber Israel CEO Yoni Greifman told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) on Wednesday morning 12 Cheshvan that “tomorrow, we hope to begin operating full time after completing our one-year trial program”.

Emergency medical service (EMS) volunteers from United Hatzalah and EMS personnel from Magen David Adom responded attempted to revive a young man who had fallen off a cliff near Sironit

President Donald Trump dismissed George Papadopoulos as a “liar” and a mere campaign volunteer, but newly unsealed court papers outline the former adviser’s frequent contacts with senior officials and with

President Donald Trump says he’ll announce the “new head” of the Federal Reserve Thursday afternoon. Trump says before a Cabinet meeting Wednesday: “I think you will be extremely impressed by

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A suspect was arrested in a break-in at a bicycle shop in the heart of the chareidi neighborhood in the capital. A search of his home

Federal authorities say they’ve reached a settlement with New York City’s Board of Elections over the agency’s improper removal of about 117,000 voters from registration rolls. The Department of Justice

(UPDATED WITH THE LATEST NEWS FROM THE AP) As reported Tuesday on YWN, terrorist Sayfullo Saipov used his rented white pickup truck to run over crowds of bikers along the

Former Minister Stas Misezhnikov, who represented Yisrael Beitenu in the Knesset, will soon make his way to jail and join the list of former ministers convicted and imprisoned. Misezhnikov, who

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in Iran on Wednesday for trilateral talks with Tehran and Azerbaijan, offered his support to the Islamic Republic’s nuclear deal under threat by President Donald Trump’s

(VIDEOS & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) With tremendous support from the community, the family of Yochai Shalom Nethanel Ouanounou won a crucial victory in a Toronto court on Wednesday, when

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