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A Ukrainian opposition politician who helped uncover off-the-books payments allegedly made to former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort says he provided information on the matter to the FBI, but

In a city shaken by its deadliest terrorist attack since 9/11, police are promising an unprecedented security effort to try to secure a soft target spanning five boroughs and 26.2

President Donald Trump says he doesn’t “remember much” about a March 2016 meeting with his campaign foreign policy adviser that is now front-and-center in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

It was just before noon in Moscow on March 10, 2016, when the first volley of malicious messages hit the Hillary Clinton campaign. The first 29 phishing emails were almost

Councilman David G. Greenfield introduced a bill this week which would designate road rage its own crime for the first time in the city’s history. Greenfield’s Intro. 1752 would make

President Donald Trump said he is “disappointed” with the Justice Department and won’t rule out firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions, if Sessions won’t investigate Democrats. “Honestly, they should be looking

President Donald Trump said Friday the U.S. military is attacking the Islamic State group “10 times harder” in response to Tuesday’s New York City truck attack. Officials later said the

The U.S. military for the first time has conducted two airstrikes against Islamic State group fighters in Somalia, where the group is a growing presence in a country long threatened

The Supreme Court, in a dramatic decision concerning the freedom of expression and the offense of insulting a civil servant in the State of Israel, on Thursday 13 Cheshvan, acquitted

More than 40 million fire extinguishers, some on the market for more than four decades, are being recalled because they may not work in an emergency. One death has been

The city of Jerusalem this year is an all-time record with more than 50,000 volunteers. More than 12,000 girls and boys volunteer regularly in the city. Mayor Nir Barkat will

For nearly a century, the National Braille Press has churned out millions of pages of Braille books and magazines a year, providing a window on the world for generations of

President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman attacked an indictment accusing him of money laundering and other financial crimes, dismissing as “embellished” a criminal case brought by special counsel Robert Mueller

If you’re wondering which streets will be closed in your neighborhood for the New York City Marathon on Sunday – or you just want to know where you can stand

When in Asia, make sure handshakes aren’t too long — or short. Don’t bobble names or titles. Stifle the critical tweets. Don’t question the food. These points of etiquette and

New York officials on Thursday began to put up additional concrete barriers at intersections, including one where an attacker drove onto a bike path, killing eight pedestrians and cyclists. A

New Jersey’s first lady has been ticketed in a statewide distracted driving crackdown that was ordered by her husband’s attorney general. NJ Advance Media reports Mary Pat Christie was stopped

Police on Thursday 13 Cheshvan, arrested two persons on suspicion of breaking into the Tel Aviv Prosecution Unit’s office and making off with computers and other equipment. When employees arrived

Today, Department of Transportation officials unveiled new signage and parking meters in South Williamsburg to allow Orthodox Jewish motorists parking on several streets within South Williamsburg to pay parking meters

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