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A federal judge said Monday that she was inclined to remove from house arrest two former aides to President Donald Trump’s campaign now facing criminal charges but would not do

Israel has publicized that it is holding the five bodies of Islamic Jihad terrorists who were killed when Israel detonated a terrorist tunnel which began in Khan Yunis, Gaza and

New York City has released 1,700 new Priority 5 after-school vouchers, the first time new vouchers have been issued in three years. This comes after Councilman David G. Greenfield led

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) On Thursday evening 13 Cheshvan, two emergency response dispatchers from United Hatzalah went on their shift break and took time out to pray in the break-room.

Over the past 94 years, the Agudah convention has emerged as a landmark event where contemporary issues are considered, discussed and addressed, with groundbreaking solutions and programs often emerging as

Former Rep. Anthony Weiner reported to prison Monday to begin a 21-month sentence for sending inappropriate messages to a 15-year-old girl. Weiner is being held at the Federal Medical Center

President Reuven Rivlin on Sunday evening 16 Cheshvan, met with leaders of Spain’s Jewish community, and took part in a special event hosted by the community at Madrid’s Ibn Gavriol

Great sadness has descended on the Baltimore community with the passing of Rabbi Mendel Freedman on Shabbos morning, Parshas Vayaera. Rabbi Freedman was one of the pillars of the Baltimore

Four years ago, well before the furor over allegations Moscow meddled in the 2016 election that put Donald Trump in the White House, at least 195 web addresses belonging to

(VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The Israel Air Force’s Operation Blue Flag 2017 began on Sunday, 16 Cheshvan and will continue until 27 Cheshvan, based out of the Uvda

Dear YWN, I would like to share with you the attached image that I took off my dashcam a couple of weeks ago. This is the story behind the image.

On Sunday afternoon 16 Cheshvan, a group of tourists from the US arrived on a bus on a tour of the Jaffa area of Tel Aviv. At the end of

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Key rabbis and lay leaders of the Sephardic Jewish community including the Sephardic Community Federation announced their support of Kalman Yeger as the most qualified candidate

The Central District Prosecution’s Office filed an indictment against Mohammed Safaran, 40, of Ramallah for preparing for murder in an act of terrorism, endangering life in the transportation lane, stealing

Following the horrendous attack that occurred Sunday at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization, expresses

In just 24 hours there will be a new Councilman replacing the outgoing David Greenfield. The Mosdos of Boro Park are in a brutal battle to gather as many votes

Baltimore County school officials are set to decide whether schools next year will be open during two Jewish holy days for the first time in about two decades. The Baltimore

After Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman called on President Reuven Rivlin to pardon former IDF soldier Elor Azariya, IDF Chief Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott expresses his opposition to clemency at this time.

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A barefoot Texas man who grabbed his rifle and opened fire on the gunman who slaughtered 26 people at a small-town church was hailed as a

As the Islamic State group loses its remaining strongholds in Iraq and Syria, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is facing a growing chorus of questions from NATO allies and partners about

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