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Tragedy strikes. A bright, sunny world turns gray and dark as a young father’s eyesight declines. The family is thrust into a freightening world of fear and confusion….   Two

Rabbi Meir Holtzberg suffered a severe heart attack the night after Simchas Torah in Bnei Brak. United Hatzalah volunteer David Berg responded to the call and saved Rabbi Holtzberg’s life. Last

In a park in the middle of a leafy, bohemian neighborhood where homes list for close to $1 million, a tractor’s massive claw scooped up the refuse of the homeless

A manuscript penned by the man who shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is up for auction. Boston-based RR Auction says

Baruch Dayan Emmes: Officials in Laniado Hospital in Netanya report HaGaon HaTzaddik Dov Yaffa ZT”L, the elder of the mashgichim, was niftar a short time ago on Wednesday, 19 Cheshvan

HaGaon HaTzaddik Rav Dov Yaffa Shlita, viewed as the elder of the mashgichim, remains in very serious condition in an intensive care unit in Laniado Hospital in Netanya. Hospital officials

Voters have chosen “Proposition 4” and the new town of Palm Tree can split from the Hasidic Village of Kiryas Joel. Kiryas Joel’s bloc vote will no longer affect Monroe’s

Hackers temporarily redirected people looking for hundreds of local school webpages across the U.S. to a video in support of the Islamic State group. The FBI is trying to determine

The European Union’s top diplomat said Tuesday the bloc is working with Congress and the Trump administration to ensure America’s new policy toward Iran doesn’t lead it to violating a

Tragedy strikes. A bright, sunny world turns gray and dark as a young father’s eyesight declines. The family is thrust into a freightening world of fear and confusion….   Two

Democrat Bill de Blasio has won re-election as mayor of New York City. De Blasio defeated Republican state lawmaker Nicole Malliotakis as well as several third-party candidates. The Associated Press

A Russian billionaire is funding an Israeli project to digitize a major collection of Jewish manuscripts seized by the Soviets 100 years ago. Israel’s National Library and the Russian State

Democrat Ralph Northam has defeated Republican Ed Gillespie in the Virginia governor race on Tuesday, according to an NBC News projection. Both national parties have spent millions of dollars in

Phil Murphy, the former U.S. ambassador to Germany, is projected to win New Jersey’s gubernatorial election. Sweeping backlash to the deeply unpopular Gov. Chris Christie, a Republican, became a focal

Syria’s state-run news agency SANA says President Bashar Assad and a visiting Iranian official have vowed to defend their national interests amid rising regional tensions. Tuesday’s report on Assad and

A Senate committee on Tuesday unanimously approved legislation that would impose mandatory sanctions on Chinese banks and other financial institutions if they are found to be helping North Korea evade

A surprise visit by President Donald Trump to the heavily fortified Korean demilitarized zone was thwarted by bad weather Wednesday. The aborted trip came a day after Trump modulated his

A Filipino doctor accused by U.S. authorities of plotting attacks in New York City, including Times Square, appeared in a Manila court Tuesday and told reporters that money he sent

On the ‘Good Morning Israel’ program of Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) hosted by Effie Trager, it is reported that Israel is involved in behind the scenes efforts to bring the

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