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(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The Israel Police, along with the various enforcement agencies, are fighting pirate marketing of food for the sake of protecting the health and well-being of the

Dr. Yaniv Levyatan, an expert in propaganda and psychological warfare, offers a new course at the University of Haifa that equips students with the critical thinking skills to sort fact

The Jerusalem Municipality signed a financing agreement with a syndicate led by Bank Leumi, in the amount of 1 billion NIS, to build 1,000 new classrooms in Jerusalem. Mayor Nir

An Atzeres tefilla is called for today, Thursday, 20 Cheshvan, beginning at 4:00pm at the Kosel. The atzeres is to be mispallel for the return of the bodies of IDF

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Hamas seeks the annihilation of Israel, digs terror tunnels, launches rockets at Israeli civilians & blows up buses. Reconciling with mass-murderers is part of the problem,

The following is an unedited Associated Press article. It is presented to our readers so they can see how this news is reported to thousands of news agencies around the

House and Senate negotiators have agreed on an annual defense policy bill that authorizes $700 billion for the Pentagon in the 2018 fiscal year, a dramatic increase over the amount

A federal judge has imposed a gag order in the criminal case of former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his business associate Rick Gates. In an order Wednesday, U.S.

Another case of serious illness due to salmonella. An entire family, two parents and their 6 children fell ill with salmonella as a result of eating in a restaurant. The

French authorities say U.S. President Donald Trump is not among more than 100 world leaders invited to Paris for a climate summit next month. French President Emmanuel Macron plans a

Commuters of the future could get some relief from congested roads if Uber’s plans for flying taxis work out. The ride-hailing service unveiled Wednesday an artist’s impression of the sleek,

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) On Monday, 17 Cheshvan, in a simcha hall in northern Israel, Avraham Sheetrit, an employee, choked while eating a steak. United Hatzalah Mordechai Mamon from the

Wary of a belligerent and unpredictable Russia, NATO is expanding its operations for the first time since the end of the Cold War and drawing up plans to improve the

B’chasdei Hashem, Israel Prison Service officials intercepted an attempt to smuggle cellular telephones into Arab terrorists imprisoned in Israel. The phones were intercepted in the Ketziot Prison, brought in by

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s tell-it-like-it-is style has annoyed many residents in his state, but he has made sure to give it to at least one

A federal judge has OK’d the transfer of a suspect from Chicago to New York to face charges he helped raise money for would-be militants to join the Islamic State

For months, commentators and officials describing special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia have used words such as “collusion” and “coordination” to summarize the

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) United Hatzalah responder Dr. Doron Spierer together with other personnel were called to the protest tent set up outside of the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem

Donald Trump handily won the election a year ago Wednesday. Ask him and he’ll tell you about it. Ten months into his presidency, Trump is still focused — some say

Baruch Dayan Emmes: Rabbi Natan Neta Adler, 44, was niftar in Sheba Medical Center on Monday, 17 Cheshvan, after being diagnosed with cancer several months ago. The rav, a son

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