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President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., reportedly carried out a secret 10-month correspondence with WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential campaign and in the months following. Trump’s attorneys have said they

800 soldiers have signed the petition sent to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott calling for the reinstatement of the “Simchas Yom Rishon” that was given during the past

Just two years ago Avi Kehat had a dream. His dream was to launch a crowdfunding website that would not take any commission like popular sites such as GoFundMe. His

Former Vice President Joe Biden said he is uncertain about a run for president in 2020, but indicated he’s looking for fresh blood to lead the Democratic Party back to

North Korea warned Monday that the unprecedented deployment of three U.S. aircraft carrier groups “taking up a strike posture” around the Korean peninsula is making it impossible to predict when

A 19-year-old seminary student was killed when struck by a train on Monday afternoon 24 Cheshvan near the Kfar Chabad station. She and some friends just finished classes in their

The top Republican in the Senate said Monday GOP candidate Roy Moore should quit his Alabama race amid allegations he had an inappropriate relationship with a 14-year-old girl and pursued

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe, R’ Yisroel Hager, will be in Cleveland, Ohio for a historic one-day visit on Monday. The Rebbe was in Boro Park all last week for a grandchild’s

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Three Arabs youths, minors, were taken into custody on Monday morning 24 Cheshvan after they hurled rocks at the police force between Kiryat Arba and the

Republican U.S. Sen. Rand Paul said Monday he is returning to Washington following an attack in his yard that left him with six broken ribs. “While I’m still in a

Police have been called in to investigate an incident that took place in an Ashdod cheder on Monday afternoon, 24 Cheshvan. A teacher sustained very light injury as a result

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A record number of Bnos Agudas Yisroel leaders gathered in Baltimore this past Shabbos for the national Bnos Leadership convention, enjoying a fabulous weekend offering motivational

Hate crimes rose for the second straight year in 2016, with increases in attacks motivated by bias against blacks, Jews, Muslims and LGBT people, according to FBI statistics released Monday.

The trial of HaGaon HaRav Avraham Yosef Shlita in the Tel Aviv Magistrate Court has ended. In a deal bargain with the prosecution, the judgement is that Rav Yosef will

The jury in the bribery trial of Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez and a wealthy donor and friend told the judge it couldn’t reach a verdict on Monday on any

North Korean soldiers shot at and wounded a fellow soldier who was crossing a jointly controlled area at the heavily guarded border to defect to South Korea on Monday, the

In honor of Parshas Chayei Sarah and in line with the annual minhag, a record attendance estimated at 35,000 guests spent this past Shabbos at Mearas Hamachpelah in Hebron, with the

Two former CIA employees are accusing the Trump administration’s choice for CIA chief watchdog of being less than candid when he told Congress he didn’t know about any active whistleblower

During a Shas faction meeting in Knesset on Monday, 24 Cheshvan, party chairman Minister Aryeh addressed the storm surrounding the release of a phone conversation audio that has him attacking

(COMMUNICATED CONTENT) This is the story of a sefer that was lost and rediscovered – and a segulah that has helped countless Jews in pain. It is the story of

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