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Oil prices have jumped by about one-third since the summer on signs of stronger economic growth around the world and fear of instability in the Middle East. So far, however,

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Above all, Sarit and her family are mispallel that the experimental life-saving treatment that she will be receiving in China will B’ezras Hashem prove effective. Sarit,

The federal government began its new budget year with an October deficit of $63.2 billion, up sharply from a year ago. The Treasury Department reported Monday that the October deficit

The Ramat Elchanan Bridge in Bnei Brak, which connects to Givat Shmuel, collapsed a few months ago, presenting a daily hardship for many. MK Yisrael Eichler has been working hard

Bill Gates says he’s giving $50 million to help fight Alzheimer’s disease. The Microsoft co-founder said Monday that the donation to the Dementia Discovery Fund is personal and not through

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) The Israel Air Force’s Operation Blue Flag 2017 began on Sunday, 16 Cheshvan and will continue until 27 Cheshvan, based out of the Uvda Air Force

On the same day a federal appeals court allowed part of President Donald Trump’s travel ban to take effect, advocacy groups filed a new lawsuit Monday challenging the administration’s related

Data published on Monday, 24 Cheshvan, reveals that Clalit HMO customarily fines clinics whose doctors provided patients, at their professional discretion, with a prescription for an expensive drug, Kikar Shabbos

Winding down his visit to Asia, President Donald Trump repeatedly praised Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, called him by his first name, shared a joke with him about the media and

Going to the US without completing long forms, interviewing at the embassy, ​​standing in line and paying hundreds of shekels for the visa seems like an unreal dream for Israelis,

Saudi Arabia’s dramatic moves to counter Iran in the region appear to have backfired, significantly ratcheting up regional tensions and setting off a spiral of reactions and anger that seem

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) A Sharon district Israel Police spokesman reported on Monday, 24 Cheshvan, that a major operation took place in the so-called ‘Triangle’, the Israeli Arab municipalities in

The Ramle Magistrate Court ruled to award 650,000 shekels in compensatory payment to a chareidi IDF officer, Yehuda Glickman, who serves today as a captain in the reserves. In the

The United Nations agency monitoring Iran’s compliance with a landmark nuclear treaty issued a report Monday certifying that the country is keeping its end of the deal that U.S. President

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The Jerusalem Prosecutor has announced plans to file a criminal indictment against the leader of the Lehava organization, Bentzion Gupstein, for breaking laws prohibiting incitement to violence and racism. The

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has made it clear to the U.S. and Russia that Israel will continue with its operations in Syria. Netanyahu said he told Washington and

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) In this most disturbing video, we see how the bus driver, who is enraged, shouts at and spits at a 10-year-old who we hear saying “I

Russian state-funded TV channel RT has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent after pressure from the U.S. government, documents released Monday show. The Justice Department announced the

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