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The Knesset Research Center examined and found that there are gaps of tens of percent in the Ministry of Education’s investment in the recognized non-official schools in the chareidi and

An increase in suicide rates among U.S. teens occurred at the same time social media use surged and a new analysis suggests there may be a link. Suicide rates for

(VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Twenty persons suspected of participating in disturbances were arrested under arrest warrants in Operation 700 in A-Tur in the capital. M-1 weapons were seized,

Four Chareidi youngsters have been remanded to police custody on Wednesday under the suspicion that they were involved with the importing of 33,000 ecstasy pills from Switzerland into Israel. Three

The chareidi cities of Modi’in Illit, Betar Illit and Elad are leading with the percentage of children in Israel, according to figures published by the Central Bureau of Statistics on

Britain’s cyber security chief says Russian hackers are targeting the country’s telecommunications systems, media and energy networks. Ciaran Martin’s stark warning comes after Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday said

Egypt was to open the Rafiach Crossing from Gaza to Egypt on Wednesday, 26 Cheshvan, opening the door for many Gazans waiting for the opportunity to enter. It happens to

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) President Donald Trump had his own water bottle moment. Trump paused an address to the nation Wednesday to reach for water during a blow-by-blow account of

MKs Moshe Gafne and Uri Maklev announced Wednesday that they will not vote with the coalition until Gafne’s Shabbos Bill is advanced. The other chareidi MKs are continuing to vote

A half-dozen Democrats on Wednesday introduced articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, accusing him of obstruction of justice and other offenses, in a long-shot effort that stands little chance

Jason Dov Greenblatt, President Donald trump’s special envoy to the Middle East, welcomed members of the Salomon family who survived the horrific July terror attack in Nvei Tzuf. Three family

The Democrats’ big wins in Virginia’s elections last week weren’t enough to gain control of the House of Delegates, and some say gerrymandering is to blame. In all 100 House

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) IDF forces during the night, working with agents of the Civil Administration and Border Police, destroyed the room of the terrorist responsible for the Har Adar

German prosecutors said Wednesday they have indicted two former Nazi SS guards in their 90s on charges of being accessories to murder while they worked at a World War II

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