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It has been reported that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will once again be questioned by police with regards to his involvement in what is known as the “1000 file”. Police

Yitzchak Rabin’s convicted murderer, Yigal Amir, is making legal preparations to request a retrial from the court, 22 years after he was accused and convicted of murdering Prime Minister Yitzchak

Health Minister Yaakov Litzman spoke to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday and told him that he would resign from the government if Jews continued to work on the Light-Rail

A Charedi man from Israel was injured on Shabbos morning in a hit-and-run accident in London, England. The man, who was visiting London collecting Tzedaka, was hit by a passing

Readers around the world are familiar with Kupat Ha’Ir’s monthly Orphan Wedding program: 30 special brides & grooms who have lost a parent are hand-selected. Those chosen are particularly poor,

A beehive-like structure built deep underground in Jerusalem is providing an innovative solution for the holy city’s chronic shortage of burial space for the dead. Tunnels stretching more than a

After more than a decade of making cars and SUVs — and, more recently, solar panels — Tesla Inc. wants to electrify a new type of vehicle: big trucks. The

The National Archives on Friday released 10,744 FBI records — some that have never been previously disclosed — related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. It’s

The organizer of the violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has lost his verified status on Twitter, along with several other prominent white nationalists and far-right conservatives. News outlets

Dozens of neighbors rushed to the scene of a massive late-night fire that injured at least 20 people at a Pennsylvania senior living community, wrapping the elderly in blankets and

White House officials are pushing back on concerns that President Donald Trump appeared exhausted from his 12-day Asia trip when he spoke rapidly and took several sips of water during

At a car factory in this city named after Toyota, the usual robots with their swinging arms are missing. Instead, workers intently fit parts into place by hand with craftsmanship-like

Phone companies will have greater authority to block unwanted calls from reaching customers as regulators adopted new rules to combat automated messages known as robocalls. Rules adopted Thursday by the

Airlines are bumping fewer passengers off oversold planes after taking to heart the public anger over a man being violently dragged from his seat earlier this year. The U.S. Department

The Pentagon says it accidentally retweeted a tweet that urged President Donald Trump to resign. Without mentioning the content of the original tweet, a Pentagon spokesman, Col. Rob Manning, said

The top Republican and Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee are saying President Donald Trump’s son-in-law hasn’t been fully forthcoming with the panel’s probe into Russian election interference, asking him

The Trump administration announced a major gang sweep Thursday, with the arrest of more than 200 members of the violent street gang MS-13. Officials from the Department of Homeland Security

There is an error on the popular New York weekly “Z’man Krias Shema’ calendar designed for shuls. The author has requested Agudath Yisroel of America to notify all the New

The House passed a nearly $1.5 trillion tax bill that differs from legislation approved by the Senate Finance Committee. A comparison of the Republican-written measures: —Personal income tax rates: House

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