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It was reported over the weekend that Brigadier-General Ofir Winter turned to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott and requested to be appointed military secretary to Prime Minister Binyamin

Eliahu Pietruszka shuffled his 102-year-old body through the lobby of his retirement home toward a stranger he had never met and collapsed into him in a teary embrace. Then he

Honenu reported on Sunday morning Rosh Chodesh Kislev that a 16-year-old youth was arrested by police in the Kosel Plaza during the morning hours. The youth spat at a worshiper

It’s hard to overstate how thoroughly the U.S. military has prepared for doomsday — the day America gets into a nuclear shooting war. No detail seems to have been overlooked.

(VIDEOS & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) On Sunday afternoon 12 Charedim from the Peleg faction, who are still under police custody since the previous round of protests, were sentenced to

The U.S. Secret Service says an individual has been taken into custody after attempting to jump a security barrier on the Pennsylvania Avenue side of the White House. President Donald

The Vishnitzer Rebbe has Bichasdei Hashem been taken off the respirator on Sunday morning. As YWN has reported on Motzei Shabbos, the Rebbe – who had been hospitalized for the

Rav Yitzchak Goldknoff of the Vaad for Shmiras Shabbos spoke with Kol Berama Radio host Noam Zeigman on Sunday morning regarding Health Minister Yaakov Litzman’s threat to break from the

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Thousands of Shluchim posed for a group photo in front of Chabad-Lubavitch world headquarters in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Sunday, Nov. 19, 2017. They

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott informed Brig.-Gen. Ofer Winter that he will not be the prime minister’s military secretary. Winter was one of the candidates to be appointed

Move over, Playmobil, there’s a new toy on the block and he’s wearing a shtreimel. Meet Glattplay, the company producing the Shpielmans, an intricately designed family perfect for small hands

As the date for the deadline for the expulsion of residents of the 15 homes in the Netiv Avot neighborhood of Elazar approaches, residents announce they will not leave peacefully

The Tel Aviv District Court is recognizing a class action lawsuit against El Al Airlines in the amount of 1.28 billion shekels. The petitioner requested the court view the case

Germany’s foreign ministry says it will press Kuwait about a law that prevented its national airline from transporting an Israeli citizen on a flight originating in Frankfurt. Deputy foreign minister

“Thank you very much, I knew that here we would be helped and feel safe,” said a resident of the territories who arrived with her children to the Kalandia Checkpoint

Following the High Court of Justice ruling that supermarkets should not be opened in Tel Aviv on Shabbos, the coalition is forming a compromise with the chareidim. The compromise in

(VIDEOS AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Magen David Adom reports that it received a call on Thursday, 27 Cheshvan at 1:26pm for a male who fell from a cliff at

The family and friends of the seriously wounded victim in Friday’s vehicular ramming attack in Gush Etzion, call on the tzibur to be mispallel on his behalf. Even Ezer [ben

Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch and Senator Sherrod Brown engaged in a shouting match Thursday night at a hearing over the GOP tax reform bill working its way through

(COMMUNICATED CONTENT) by Debbie Maimon If beginnings are any indication, Mesivta Kesser Torah of Baltimore which opened its doors in Elul with 21 ninth graders, is joining the ranks of

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