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The Director of the Health Ministry, Moshe Bar Siman Tov told the Cabinet on Thursday that he advises not to open kindergartens on Sunday, March 3. Bar Siman Tov said

Chai Lifeline has launched “Going Through It, Growing Through It: Torah Perspectives and Mindful Coping in the Age of COVID-19,“ a lecture series offering divrei chizuk, psychological, and practical guidance during the current health crisis. The series will include video and

Join  thousands in  honoring the esteemed rosh yeshiva, Rabbi Yisroel Friedman of blessed memory, a Talmudic genius and exemplary chassid, who taught and inspired generations of Talmidim. This special broadcast

R’ Yehosef Yosef Halevi Dachuch, a member of the Chabad community in Bnei Brak, was niftar due to the coronavirus on Wednesday. R’ Dachuch was born in Yemen and made

Joe Biden announced Thursday the four co-chairs of his vice presidential vetting team, starting the search for his running mate in earnest. Former Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, Delaware Rep. Lisa

Once again klal yisroel is reeling from another tragic petira, this time of a yungerman in his high 30s, R’ Yehuda Aryeh Falik a”h. R’ Yehuda Aryeh a”h suffered multiple

Israel’s Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that hospitals cannot ban visitors, patients or others from bringing chometz into hospitals on Pesach. Israeli hospitals traditionally ban chometz on their premises on

U.S. consumer spending plunged 7.5% in March, reflecting the growing impact of the coronavirus pandemic as Americans complied with stay-at-home orders. The Commerce Department said that the spending decline was

There was chaos in Boro Park on Thursday afternoon, as the NYPD worked to disperse a crowd that gathered for a Levaya. An NYPD source tells YWN that police were

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced on Thursday evening that a lockdown will be imposed on three Jerusalem neighborhoods as well as two neighborhoods in the Bedouin town of Hura, near

U.S. intelligence agencies are debunking a conspiracy theory, saying they have concluded that the new coronavirus was “not manmade or genetically modified” but say they are still examining a notion

North Korea’s collapse has been predicted — wrongly— for decades. Some said it would happen after fighting ended in the Korean War in 1953. Others thought it would be during

Your kids being home all day means an increase in screen time, especially with schools themselves transitioning to online education. It also means it’s that much harder to control how

I recently got up from Shiva for another of Corona’s victims and immediately sat down to write this short article in the hope that my family’s experience using Zoom for

President Donald Trump likes to talk about the most, the best, the thing that nobody has ever seen. Now he is trying to make a virtue of a lower number,

There are 15,946 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in Israel as of Thursday, with 105 in serious condition, of whom 82 are ventilated. Israel has recorded 222 fatalities due to

President Donald Trump on Thursday voiced strong support for his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, raising speculation that a pardon may be coming after Flynn’s lawyers disclosed internal FBI

The development of technology certain affects the online gambling industry such as those found in spbobet dominobet. This will be seen in some trends, which are expected to make some

New York City will shut down its subway system each day from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m. to increase cleaning of trains and stations during the coronavirus crisis, Gov. Andrew

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