The Ultimate Yissachar – Zevulun Deal: Entire Shas, Rashi & Tosfos In Just One Year!
Tens of thousands of mipallelim have visited the Kosel since it re-opened in accordance with Health Ministry regulations. During regular years, thousands of people show up for tefillas neitz on
One of the leading physicians in Kiryas Joel, Dr Zev Zelenko, has announced that he is leaving the Village of Kiryas Joel where he has been practicing medicine for nearly
Two students at a Rechovot school who entered self-quarantine after a teacher at their school was diagnosed with the coronavirus tested positive for the virus, news reports said on Tuesday.
Avigdor’s Helping Hand an incredible organization that provides financial assistance to orphans getting married and widow(er)s following the loss of the primary breadwinner. This Sunday May 24th at 1pm AHH
Israel’s youngest victim of the coronavirus, a 33-year-old man, died overnight Tuesday at Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer. Avishalom Rosilio, a resident of Migdal HaEmek, was a recovered cancer
Amid reports of an Israeli cyberattack on an Iranian port earlier this month, thousands of Iranians have been turning to Israel for asylum in Israel, Israel’s Foreign Ministry stated on
Powerful Drasha from the great and holy Klausenberger Rebbe ZT”l , Slichos 5728 (1967)Apropos to our present situation The Rebbe advocates for klal Yisroel, and beseeches that Hashem should first bring us
Rapidly rising water has overtaken dams and forced the evacuation of about 10,000 people from flooded communities in central Michigan, and the governor warned that one city could end up
Joe Biden on Tuesday night deflected questions about President Donald Trump’s allegations of improper behavior during the Obama administration and other conspiracy theories pushed by his top allies, saying, “I
A 64-year-old Chareidi resident of Haifa collapsed after emerging from the Kinneret on Wednesday. The man was pulled from the water opposite the kever of Rav Meir Ba’al Haneis in
Mayor Bill de Blasio is urging all parents and guardians to make sure their children get vaccinated, this after the city has seen a steep decline in vaccination rates during
The Justice Department today announced that it filed a lawsuit against the township of Jackson and the township’s planning board, alleging that they violated the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized
A Trump administration policy of quickly expelling most migrants stopped along the border because of the COVID-19 pandemic was indefinitely extended Tuesday, with a top U.S. health official arguing that
Dear Achim, My son Baruch Eliezer was born with severe hydrocephalus, severe cerebral palsy, and a crushed optic nerve causing visual impairment.He is wheelchair bound and requires complete nursing care.
The agricultural damage caused by the current heavy heatwave in Israel is expected to amount to tens of millions of shekels, a spokesperson for the KANAT Insurance Fund for Natural
Johnson & Johnson is ending sales of its iconic talc-based Johnson’s Baby Powder in the U.S. and Canada, where demand has dwindled amid thousands of lawsuits claiming it has caused
Religious services and ceremonies of 10 or less people will be permitted across the state starting on Thursday. NY Governor Cuomo suggested drive-thru services and ceremonies as an alternative. In
Agudath Israel’s Project LEARN is delighted to announce an upcoming webinar devoted exclusively to parents of children with special needs. While all of us have been effected by this pandemic,
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