Facebook Valued At $50 Billion; Still Not Public

Facebook has received investments that place the social network’s value at $50 billion, according to a published report.

Goldman Sachs and an unnamed Russian investor have invested $500 million in Facebook, the New York Times reported late Sunday, citing people close to the transaction.

The investment would make Facebook worth more than media companies such as Time Warner, the parent of CNNMoney, as well as eBay and Yahoo.
The investment could also place pressure on the company, led by Time Person of the Year Mark Zuckerberg, to go public.

Representatives of Facebook and Goldman declined comment on the report.

(Source: CNN)

4 Responses

  1. chaifetzchashud (#1), you really have to get the word out because there are literally thousands in the frum yeshivishe olem (including mosdos and rabbis) who have Facebook accounts and communicate publicly that way. In fact, if not for them I would still be living on the street R”L. While you are getting the word out, may I suggest that you too get out some more and not just be on the prusta internet all day. Hatzlocha v’chol tuv.

  2. @ homeless: I’m not saying its wrong it just doesn’t belong on yeshiva world. It may have saved you but why should others not involved in it have a taiva.

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