Israelis and Hi-Tech Purchases in the Past Two Years

According to a Yediot Achronot report, Israelis in 2012 shelled out an impressive 2.25 billion NIS for smartphones. Alternatively, the purchase of computers has dropped significantly. One must realize that the cost of a smartphone in Israel is significantly higher than in N. America for example due to taxes. A Samsung Galaxy S III at Orange sells for 3,758 NIS, the equivalent of $1,015 based on the current exchange rate. Pelephone sells an iPhone 5 for 5,580 NIS, the equivalent of $1,508.

In the third quarter of 2012 there was a dramatic drop in the number of PCs purchased in Israel, 38% as compared to Q3 in 2011. This figure includes both desktop and laptop models. The report is based on information from the IDC Company, an industry leader.

In comparison to 2011, 2012 showed some radical changes in the electronic shopping habits of Israelis. The purchase of tablet computers rose 715% and smartphones purchases rose by a respectable 281%. Purchases of older models of cellular phones dropped by 70%.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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