Gas Prices Climb 30 Cents A Gallon

Gas prices continued their slow but steady march higher Tuesday, surpassing a nationwide average of $3.63 cents a gallon on the back of refinery problems in the United States and higher crude oil prices globally.

Nationwide average gasoline prices are now 30 cents higher than they were just five weeks ago. They are now at the midway mark between this year’s high price of $3.94 a gallon — hit April 5 — and the recent low of $3.33 hit just over five weeks ago, according to AAA.

By this weekend, gasoline prices will likely be higher than they were a year ago at this time, according to Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service.

The rise is being partly driven by a series of refining and transportation problems in the Midwest and on the West Coast.


5 Responses

  1. GAS will continue rising as Hashems plan is carried out

    1)build up the hatred of the muslims-i.e. Bnei Yishmael, the last ones to fight klal yisroel before mashiach comes-against klal yisroel

    2)get even Israel’s best friend-the USA-to go against them, by putting it in the hands of a muslim Obama.

    3)get iran (GOG) to act on its nuclear plan R”L & the rest of the world join them (including the USA) into BRING MILCHEMES gog u’magog upon klal yisroel towards bringing Mashiach.

    with a few other tragic steps between these that is all in Hashems hands & can still be erased if klal yisroel does teshuva before its time comes.

  2. 2. You show us that you are a simpleton. You think HKBH doesn’t control what you think is “nature?” Who created “nature?”

  3. # 2
    I thought everything was because HKB”H wants it to happen and it is to teach Klal Yisroel some sort of lesson. Please look up the Gemara in Gitten Daf 57 Amud Alef 15 lines from the bottom. They were BODEK the reason of the inflation and they did not just say that the rise and fall of prices are due to market conditions and nothing more.
    We may not be on the MADRAIGA to know the reason but we must know that there is one.

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