Verizon Wireless 4G Network Experiencing Major Outage

Verizon Wireless customers across different time zones are reporting trouble accessing the carrier’s 4G network.

For the past several hours, users on the Verizon Wireless 4G forum in locations as varied as New Hampshire, Iowa, Baltimore, Phoenix, and San Francisco have all been reporting a loss of 4G network access. Some say they’ve also lost access to 3G and “1X” GPRS networks.

Verizon has acknowledged a problem with its 4G LTE network but says that 3G, voice, and other data services are unaffected.

The problem doesn’t appear to be affecting all users at the same time, but the outages seem to be intermittent. One user in Indianapolis reported seeing his 4G service restored. Verizon says the issues have been taking place over a 24-hour period, which is consistent with the first reports on the forums and Twitter.

“We’re working to resolve some 4G LTE issues ASAP,” the company posted on one of its Twitter feeds.

(Source: CNET)

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