BORUCH DAYAN EMMES: Petira Of Hagon Rav Yitzchok Dov Koppelman ZATZAL At Age 106

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Hagon Rav Yitzchok Dov Koppelman ZATZAL, the Zekan Roshei HaYeshivos, (the world’s senior Rosh HaYeshiva) who had been hospitalized for the past few weeks. Rav Koppelman served as the Rosh Yeshiva of Lucerne Yeshiva in Switzerland, and was 106 years old. Levaya details will be published by YWN when they are made available to us.

Rav Koppelman was literally a living testament to a vanished world. It is reliably said that he was born in May 1905, and was is universally known today as the zekan Roshei HaYeshivos.

Rav Koppelman was a leading disciple of his great mentor, Rabbi Shimon Shkop (1860–1939), the Rosh Yeshiva of Sha’ar HaTorah in Grodno, having learnt under him for 18 years.

Rav Koppelman had been the Rosh Yeshiva of Lucerne since 1963. In the intervening 48 years the Yeshiva has earned itself an enviable international reputation: indeed, one of the indications of its success is that it is a microcosm of the world – pupils come not only from Switzerland, Western Europe and the United Kingdom, but also from the United States of America, Canada, Eretz Yisroel and even Australia. As well as having a geographical mix, the student body of the Yeshiva comprises Chasidim, Litvaks and Yekkes, all learning in harmony.

Despite Rabbi Koppelman’s advanced years, his title as Rosh Yeshiva was no mere sinecure; he was found each day in the Beis Medrash, giving regular shiurim and being completely accessible to his pupils. The affinity did not cease when boys left the Yeshiva and many former students living abroad arranged their travels so as to spend a Shabbos or a Yomtov in Lucerne .

In recent years, the Rosh Yeshiva started to travel abroad somewhat more; usually to the USA or Eretz Yisroel, Australia and other locations.


In today’s somewhat polarised Orthodox world, Rabbi Koppelman is that rarity who had good relations with everyone. He eschewed politics and was only interested in disseminating Torah. Wherever he went, people rush to meet him and hear his wisdom.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. מסע ההלוויה יצא בשעה 08:00 בבוקר מציריך להיכל הישיבה בלוצרן ומשם בשעה 10:00 לשדה התעופה בדרכה לארץ ישראל. בישראל ייצא מסע ההלוויה בשעות אחה”צ בירושלים, בדרכו להר-המנוח

  2. Boruch dayan ho’emes. This is truly a great loss for all of us, for all of klal yisroel. As you wrote, Rav Koppelman was one of the few who managed to have a yeshiva that was open to all, to be on a positive note with all. We need more leaders like that, not less!

  3. בשעות אחר הצהריים המאוחרות תגיע המיטה ישראל. בנתב”ג צפויים להמתין למיטה גדולי תורה וחסידות.

    מסע ההלוויה בירושלים יחל בשעה 20:00 בערב בישיבת מיר בשכונת בית ישראל בדרכו להר המנוחות.

    בהלוויה בירושלים ישאו גדולי ישראל – ובהם ידידו הגר”ש וואזנר וראש ישיבות מיר הגרנ”צ פינקל – הספדים לזכרו של הגרי”ד זצ”ל.

    במהלך ההלוויה, תינשא תפילת רבים לרפואתו השלימה של יבדלחט”א פוסק הדור הגאון רבי יוסף שלום בן חיה מושא אלישיב.

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