Sudden Petira of R’ Yoel Yisroel Reichman Z”L; Longtime Member of Flatbush Shomrim

YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of R’ Yoel Yisroel Reichman Z”L, longtime member of The Flatbush Shomrim, and longtime Mispallel of the Gur Shtiebel on Ocean Avenue.

R’ Yoel suffered a massive heart attack early Monday morning, just a few hours after attending the Chasunah of a child of Chaim Deutsch, the founder of Flatbush Shomrim.

Chaim Deutsch told YWN “This is a tremendous loss not only to our organization but to the entire Flatbush Community. We are all shocked beyond belief, and extremely saddened to lose such a tremendous Osek Bzirchei Tzibbur. When an individual needed help the word “NO” was not part of R’ Yoels’ dictionary.”

The Levaya is scheduled to take place Monday afternoon, at Shomrei Hachomos Chapels, 4218 Fort Hamilton Parkway at 2:30 PM.

He is survived by his wife Pessi, a married son in Brooklyn, and four daughter living in Eretz Yisroel.

Boruch Dayen Emmes…


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