Petira Of Rav Levi Dicker ZATZAL, Rosh Yeshiva Of Bell Harbour

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Hagon Rav Levi Dicker ZATZAL. the Rosh Yeshiva of Bell Harbor (Merkaz Hatorah). He was Niftar late Friday afternoon after an illness. The Levaya is scheduled for Shushan Purim, at 11:00AM, in the Yeshiva located at 505 Beach 129th Street, corner of Cronston.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

11 Responses

  1. Even though its purim I have a hard time not being sad.
    Although I was never in the Rosh Yeshiva’s ZT”L shiur and didn’t have a personal shaychis with the Rosh Yeshiva ZT”L because I left after highschool there is one thing that realy touched my heart every thime the Rosh Yeshiva ZT”L met someone that the Rosh yeahiva ZT”L knew would how I was doing he would ask him about me to see how I was doing

    Bourch Dayan Emes

    A true tragety

  2. Ps: I just spoke to one of the Rosh Yeshiva’s ZT”Lgrand sons and he told me that there was a change in plans that the levaya will be monday shushan purim but the time has changed and will not be at 11am but only later because they are bringing the Rosh Yeshiva ZA”L to ey the time is not known yet as of 1/2 hour ago

  3. BD”E The R”Y was a true leader not just to the hundreds of Talmidim of the Yeshiva but was also very respected by the entire Rockaway community; Jews, Irish and Catholics alike. Each and every day he was Mekadesh Sheim Shamayim, showing what it means and how to act as a yid. A real loss. Hamakom Yinacheim.

  4. the new time for the Levaya for the Rosh Hayeshiva ZT”L will be on Shushan Purim at 12:00 in the Yeshivah 505 B.129th st. belle Harbor N.Y. 11694 Please spread the word!!!

  5. I traveled with Rav Dicker’s youngest daughter and several granddaughters – all very fine girls – indicative of the chinuch they received . . .
    Any update on timing for the levaya?

  6. BDE
    A true Toira giant. The RY ZTL was an exemplary Yid. Raboisai, I don’t want to sound dramatic, but this is klal Yisroel’s tsunami. True, misas tzadikim is michaper, but we’re better off earning it thru conventional methods like teshuva. What a terrible tragedy. He should be a mailitz yoisher for all of us.

  7. Boruch Dayan Emmes a true Gadol Ba’Torah. A great loss for K’lal Yisroel may the Rosh Hayeshiva Be Malitz Yosher for the rest of us. The Levaya Is Today Monday @ 12pm @ the yeshiva which is located on Cronston and B129 the exact address is 505 Beach 129th street Rockaway Park NY 11694

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