Levaya Of Hagon Rav Turnauer ZATZAL, Rov Of Shomer Shabbos Shul

Misaskim has just informed YWN of the Petira of Hagon Rav Yehuda Halevi Turnauer ZATZAL, the Rov of the Shomer Shabbos Shul in Boro Park. The Levaya will take place at 6:30PM tonight in Shomer Shabbos on 13th Avenue.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

11 Responses

  1. BDE
    He lifted up a whole shul and was a tremendous maggid shiur and helped with his Tzedakah many people.
    He was also a very good menahel and rebbe in his younger years.
    This is a very big loss for the shul and for Boro Park on a whole.

  2. He touched the lives of thousands in a significant way and he will be sorely missed. He belonged to a generation that unfortunately is leaving us slowly every day. yehi zichro boruch.

  3. There are somethings that I just don’t understand.#1 Whatis the diffrence if his name is spelled with an “I” or not. #2
    “13th ave will be closed to traffic?? ” is that all you can say when a rav, a baal chesed and marbitz torah is nifter!!!! it’s mindblowing.#3 Is it that important what age he was? it is a loss beyond repair!! and we should all learn from him ,so it will be zechus for all of kellal yisroel

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