Petirah of Rav Mordechai Braude ZATZAL

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rav Mordechai Braude Z”L.

Rav Mordechai was niftar Motzei Shabbos at the age of 92. He was a talmid of Telshe Yeshiva in Lita and was a tremendous talmid chachom as learning was his entire life. Rav Mordechai was a Holocaust survivor of Dachau Concentration Camp. He leaves behind his extremely devoted wife Edna, and father of Yitzchock, Kraine (Silver), Yaakov, Chava Miriam (Neustadt) and Avi. He leaves behind many grandchildren and great grandchildren as well. The Levaya will take place on Sunday at Shomrei Hadas on 14th avenue and 39th street in Boro Park at 1:30PM.

Boruch Dayen Emmes…

One Response

  1. Am I mistaken and did they not own a children’s clothing store in boro park (16th ave, i think) for many years?In any case, boruch dayan emess.

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