Famous London Doctor Is Niftar – Was Known As ‘Malach Refoel’

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Dr. Shlomo Adler Z”L, better known in London as “Malach Refoel”.

Dr. Adler served the Jewish Community of London and beyond, for many decades. He was Niftar a short while ago after an illness.

The Levaya is taking place at his home in Golders Green at 6:00PM, and the kevura will be at the Enfield Cemetery.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

7 Responses

  1. Buruch dayan haemes. he was called malach rafael because the pshevarskar rebbe zatza”l said that malach rafael goes along with him

  2. B’DE!!!
    Dr. Adler Z’TL made house calls in the middle of the night, even when he was in his late 80’s. He was an absolute Zaddik in his generation. May he be a meilitz yashar for his dear family, and for Klall Yisrael.

  3. The Family would like to make a book about our dear husband /father/ grandfather ZTL

    please send your memories and stories to us.
    please ensure you leave your contact details so we may get in touch with you.
    post: 20 Beechcroft Avenue, London, NW11 8BL
    Email: [email protected]
    Fax: 0208458 0973
    for any enquiries pls call:07894719098

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