Levaya Of Rabbi Nochum Laskin ZATZAL – Chaplain Of Otisville

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rabbi Nachum Laskin ZATZAL, the longtime Chaplain at the Otisville Correctional Center. 

Rabbi Nachum Laskin served as the Chaplain of the Otisville Correctional Center since its inception in 1981. He also served as Rov in the Woodbourne Shul for many years until approximately 1990. Rabbi Laskin then served as Rov of Congregation Ahavas Torah in Monroe. Not long ago, Rabbi Laskin retired, and moved to Lakewood, NJ.

Rabbi Laskin was R”L sick with an illness for quite some time, and was Niftar on Sunday afternoon at Kimball Hospital in Lakewood, NJ.

He leaves behind his Rebbitzen and his Choshuver Children and grandchildren.

His Levaya is scheduled for Sunday evening at 9:30PM in Zichron Pinchos (corner of Flintlock & Powderhorn).

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

2 Responses

  1. Is the levaya Going to Eretz Yisroel?
    I remember Rabbi Laskin from when he was the English principal at the South Fallsburg Yeshiva, many years ago. Whenever a teacher did not show up he would substitute the class and teach things about Halacha or Emunah and Betochon, or Parshas Hasovuah etc. On rainy days he would remind us of the goodness of rain and that we should be happy for it rather than complain. He had a golden heart and whenever a bochur had a problem in class Rabbi Laskin A”h would not yell at him or punish him, but rather would talk to him about ways of improving, about self worth, about Kidush Hashem and chilul Hashem,(a few of the English teachers were goyim).
    He was a big mumche in being mechanech, with an understanding and feeling for the issues of American children. Thus He was zoche to children(and in turn Grandchildren) who are true Bnai Torah.
    Hashem should send a nechomo to his whole family B’toch She’ar aveiley Tzion v’Yerushalayim.
    Zechuso Yogein Oleinu V’al kol Yisroel.

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