Levaya of Hagon Rav Nosson Gestetner ZATZAL

Bnei Brak – YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Hagon Rav Nosson Gestetner ZATZAL, the Rosh Yeshiva of Ponim Meiros, and the Mechaber of many Seforim, amongst them Teshuvos Lihoirois Nosson.

He was considered on of the leading Poskim in Eretz Yisroel, and was a descendant of the Chasam Sofer. He reportedly turned down an offer to be the GAVAD of the Eidah Charedis some years back, and instead spent his entire life engrossed in his tremendous Hasmadah, giving Shiurim, and writing his Seforim.

Rav Gestetner was R”L diagnosed with the Machla just a few months ago, and returned his Neshama to the Ribono Shel Olam late Motzei Shabbos at the age of 78.

Thousands of people attended the Levaya at his Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, and Hespeidim were delivered by Hagon Rav Shmuel Halevi Wosner Shlita, the Sanz Rebbe, and many others.

The Kevura was in the Visnitz Bais Hakvaros.

Boruch Dayen Emmes…

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN Israel)

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