Levaya Of R’ Reuven Mandel Z”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Reb Reuven Dovid Mandel Z”L, (brother of HaRav Manis Mandel ZATZAL).

Students of Yeshiva of Brooklyn have fond memories of R’ Reuvan Z”L, simply known as “Mr. Mandel”. Despite his old age, he devoted his entire heart and soul to making sure that the maintenance of the school buildings would be taken care of. Just a few years ago, at the age of 96, R’ Reuven Z”L was seen on the top of a 6-step ladder changing a lightbolb.

He was over 100 when he was Niftar over Shabbos.

The Levaya will be held today, Sunday, at 12:30PM, in Yeshiva of Brooklyn Girls School, located at 1464 Ocean Parkway between Avenues N and O.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

(YWN Desk – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. The entire family dedicated their lives to the wellbeing of the yeshiva and the talmidos. Once Rabbi Manis Mendel saw my daughter (about 9 yrs old) very pale and withdrawn. He asked her whether she had breakfast. My daughter was so overwhelmed that Rabbi Mendel addressed her that she froze and couldn’t answer. So he took her into his office and made her eat.

  2. 6 step ladder? I personally saw him on an extended ladder fixing the roof, at 96. I thought he would live forever! was he sick?

  3. There will be tifilos at the niftar’s house 722 Avenue O

    He left over no children so please be mechazek the minyanim L’ilu Nishmaso

    SHACHRIS – 7:30

    MINCHA – 4:30

    MAARIV – 7:30

  4. Btw;

    He was the Oldest brother of 5;

    Horav Nachman ZT”L (Far Rockaway/LA)

    Horav Pinchas ZT”L (Chevra Kadisha)

    Horav Menachem Maanis ZT”L (YOB)

    YL”T Rebitzin Esther Katz Sh”y (wife of Telzer R”Y Rav Motel Katz ZT”L)

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