Tragedy: 23-Year-Old Chosson Killed In Diving Accident

YWN regrets to inform you of the untimely passing of 23 year-old Chosson, Yossi Kreiman Z”L of a sporting accident in Los Angeles on Friday afternoon.

Yossi was scuba-diving with some friends at the south of the Redondo Beach pier near Los Angeles when something went wrong.

Yossi was engaged to be married to Chayale Sharfstein of Crown Heights next month.

He is the son of Nachman and Devorah Kreiman of Los Angeles, CA.

The levaya will take place Sunday at 2:00 PM at Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon Chabad, 7215 Waring Ave.

The Kevurah will take place at Mount Olive Cemetery, 7231 E. Slauson Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90040 at 3:30 PM.

Shiva will be at 180 S. Highland Avenue (Corner 2nd)
8:45 am Shacharis
4:45 pm Mincha/ Maariv

The following is from the Daily Breeze:

A diver pulled from the waters off Redondo Beach was pronounced dead Friday afternoon following a rescue operation by county lifeguards, a fire official said.

The man was one of three people who had been reported missing by a fellow diver after the group dove south of the Redondo Beach pier, said county fire Inspector Frederic Stowers.

As a six-person rescue team responded to the incident just before 1 p.m., two individuals surfaced in the water, Stowers said. The third diver had to be rescued from the sea and was initially reported to be in critical condition.

“They brought the body up from about 15 to 18 feet below,” Stowers said.

The man – whom he could not identify – was transported to a local hospital and later pronounced dead, Stowers said.

Another diver suffered minor injuries due to exhaustion but did not go to the hospital, Stowers said.

The group had been diving not far from the Ruby Street lifeguard tower when rescue workers got a call at 12:52 p.m., he said.

“Apparently a diver who surfaced reported the missing divers. They may have lost their orientation as to where they were in the water,” Stowers said.

Stowers described the response as “pretty rapid,” given that “by 1:15 p.m., everybody had been accounted for.”

Joggers and beachgoers in the area stood watching Friday as lifeguards searched the waters with Redondo Beach’s Harbor Patrol.

Resident Carl Bjorck said he heard cries for help while working from his home office on The Esplanade.
“I’ve seen and heard a lot of things,” said Bjorck, who has views of the beach and the city pier. “It was this frantic call for help. It just got worse and worse and worse.”

Bjorck, who photographed the scene, described how he and others ran to help a man who was “crawling up on the beach coughing on all fours.”

Bjorck recounted how the man said his buddy was in the water when he went into shock. A lifeguard equipped with a snorkel mask found the diver in about 15 feet of water near the location of a former jetty, said Bjorck, who surfs in the area.

“The one thing that I didn’t see … I didn’t see a buoy there. There was no diving marker.”

After the man was located, Bjorck said the rest of the lifeguards jumped in and helped bring him to shore, where they performed resuscitation efforts.

6 Responses

  1. baruch dayan emmes. The family should- be comforted and only see simchas from now.

    Unfortunately, scuba accidents is something not new. Life insurance companies give you a hard time being approved for a policy is you periodically scuba dive. May this accident never happen again.

  2. Wisewoman: Maybe you should say JEWISH Community, not Lubavitch community. This is a loss for all yidden. We all need simchas.

  3. I’m with separdicpride… This is a tragedy for all of klal yisroel!! Although I do think it is bashert whatever happen to this boy I think its time for ppl to b more careful with theyr lives!

  4. to tracht gut: Maybe people should be careful with their lives and not waste their time on this world. Maybe I should give you a teeny tiny view of Yossi a”h. Maybe people can learn from him how to LIVE.

    Yossi a”h was a responsible and ehrliche yid who loved neflaos HaBoreh, especially the stars and the sea. This trip was scheduled for when he had a bit of time between his serious learning schedule and preparations for his upcoming chasanah.

    Yossi a”h was also a very bright and ehrlich chassidishe yeshiva bachur. He undertook to learn shas for the zechus of is grandmother a”h. He almost reached this goal. Yossi a”h collected seforim and loved to learn the uniqueness in each sefer. He also wrote chiduushe Torah.

    Yossi had a simchas hachayim that uplifted everyone around him. Always aidel, he managed to be funny, punny, and corny. Everyone who knew him will retell and remember his jokes because they were witty and funny without being hurtful.

    Yossi LOVED. He loved Torah and learning. He loved Hashem and mitzvos. He loved his family and friends. And we loved him.

    Yossi, we will miss you!

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