Petira of Rav Avraham Talansky Z”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rav Avraham Talansky z”l.

The Levaya will take place today Friday, 10:30 a.m., at Mesivta Torah Vodaath, 425 East 9th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11218.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

5 Responses

  1. BDE, chaval al d’ovdin v’lo mishtakchin. I lived in the Torah Vodaas dorm from 2 weeks after my bar mitzva to 2 weeks before my chasuna. Rabbi Talansky ztzl was a father to me, as he was to thousands of out of town young bochurim in their formative years. His ehrlichkeit, ahavas yisroel, ahavas hashem and yiras hashem were shining examples for us to follow. Rabbi Talansky was a warm caring individual to whom each and every bochur was beloved and cared for. He left dorod yeshorim mevorochim BH. Hamokom yinachem lochem besoch shaar aveilei tzion v’yerushalayim.

  2. There were hundreds if not thousands of people relying on his kindness. There are very few people who went through Torah Vodaath who could say that they did not benifit from the chasadim of this Tzadik. He will be missed.

  3. He was my dorm director over 35 years ago. He was always concerned about a bochur’s welfare and especially those who lived outside New York and did not see their families for months at a time.
    He was a product of Torah Vodaas when it had visionaries such as Rav Feivel Mendelowitz ZT”L at the helm and were zoche to lead lives kuloh leshem shemayim.
    He should be a meilitz yosher for his entire mishpacha and for klal yisroel as we enter a New Year.
    Boruch Dayan Emess

  4. i just came from the levaya where hundreds if not thousands gathered,he was my dorm director till now, idk how the yeshiva and dorm especially will run without him, he was always there to do chesed, he lived yeshiva torah vodaath every second of the last 53 years. He was just in yeshiva less then a week ago. A man with such anivus, so much undercover work for the yeshiva and others. He was one of the pillars of the yeshiva for the past half century. Iy”h the heilege yeshiva toah vodaath should continue to prosper.

    Baruch dayan emes

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