PHOTOS: Thousands Attend Levayos For 7 Members Of One Family R”L Killed In Horrific Crash

5:25AM EST: Thousands of people are currently attending the Levayos of the 7 Niftarim of one family who were tragically killed in yesterdays crash, when their minivan collided with  a train in Kiryat Gat.

The Levaya has just left the Stolin Bais Medrash on Rechov Avi Noam Yellin in Yerushalayim, and is proceeding to har Menuchos for the Kevura.

Click HERE for photos taken by Reuven P.

The following was submitted by ZAKA to YWN:

ZAKA volunteers were among the first to arrive at the scene of the fatal train collision with a minibus at a railroad crossing north of Kiryat Gat on Thursday evening. As the full horror of the crash, in which seven members of one family were killed and 20 others injured, was revealed, it became apparent that they knew the victims: Aryeh Bernstein, the head of the family, who died along with his wife, his pregnant daughter and four other children, was himself a ZAKA volunteer from Beitar Illit. Bernstein’s yellow ZAKA volunteer vest and hat was found among his belongings in the minibus.

Click HERE for phtos of ZAKA at the scene of the crash.

ZAKA Chairman Yehuda Meshi-Zahav, who rushed to attend to the scene from his home in Jerusalem: “The family is well-known. Aryeh was a very important veteran volunteer who attended my daughter’s wedding only last week. This incident, in which an entire family has been wiped out, is very hard, but the pain for us is doubled when we are talking about a respected member of the ZAKA family.”

ZAKA volunteer Motti Bukchin: “ZAKA volunteers are often called in to gruesome and horrifying scenes, and the public probably considered us as tried and tested and immune to the pain of seeing tragedy unfold. But we are not immune to pain, and on the scene I saw a couple of the volunteers standing to the side and shedding a tear for our friend Aryeh.”

ZAKA volunteer Moshe Anki, who was one of the first to arrive at the scene, spoke about the chaos he found on arrival: “The scenes were very difficult, among the dead were two young children. The first thing we did on arrival was to help MDA treat the survivors from the minibus.”

The names of the fatalities were released on Friday morning: Aryeh Berstein, 43, his wife Rivka Bernstein, 41, and their children Mordechai, age 9, Chaya, 14 and Yochanan, 16, all from Beitar Illit. Their pregnant daughter Malki Gotstein, 21, was also killed, together with her one-and-a-half-year-old son, Mordechai. Malki’s husband, Dudi, is the only family member to survive the crash and is in moderate condition in Barzilai hospital in Ashkelon. The driver of the minibus, a neighbor of the Bernstein family, survived the crash and is in moderate condition in Soroka Hospital.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

One Response

  1. We all heard about the Ameses who were murdered in their car last week. They left behind six orphans.
    As we start the New Year let us not forget the orphans amongst us.

    If you know of anyone who can help this family which is getting up from shiva only to celebrate Yom Tov without their beloved parents, please forward this message (Hebrew, English, French).

    To all our friends, Happy New Year!
    Chana tova a tous les amis

    ערב ראש השנה, ששה יתומים עומדים בחוסר כל. הוריהם נרצחו בשבוע שעבר. מדובר במשפחה קשת יום ובילדים שאין להם קרובי משפחה. מהיכרותנו האישית עם המשפחה, אנחנו ממליצים מאוד להושיט להם עזרה. להלן הפרטים (בעברית ובאנגלית) של חשבון הבנק.

    תרומות ניתן להעביר לעמותת “חמלה – מרכז החסד” בדרכים הבאות:
    · תרומות טלפוניות בכרטיס אשראי: 1-800-2000-87
    · המחאות: יש לרשום לפקודת עמותת “חמלה – מרכז החסד”, לציין במכתב נלווה שהתרומה עבור ילדי משפחת איימס, ולשלוח לת”ד 61184, ירושלים
    · הפקדה ישירה בבנק הדואר: חשבון 3-735581 ולציין שהתרומה עבור ילדי משפחת איימס.

    נא להפיץ את המסר הזה לכל רשימות התפוצה שלכם.

    This New Year’s eve, six orphans are facing great poverty. Their parents have been murdered last week by terrorists. The family has faced many hardships and the children have no relatives. Based upon our first-hand acquaintance with the family, There is a great and very real need to help them out. Please forward donations to the non-profit organization “Hemla-Mercaz Hachesed”.

    Donations can be made in the following methods:
    · Credit card donations by phone: call 1-800-2000-87
    · Cheques: mail to POB 61184, Jerusalem, for “Hemla-Mercaz Hachesed”. Please write on your letter that the donation is for the Imas children fund.
    · Bank HaDoar: 3-735581. Please note on the donation that it is for the Imas children.

    Please pass this message on to all your lists.

    Six orphelins (trois enfants en bas ages) conséquence de l’attentat terroriste de la semaine dernière a Hébron.
    Enfants sans aucune famille! Et complètement demunis!
    Merci pour votre soutient et bénédictions.

    · Credit card donations par telephone: appeller l 1-800-2000-87
    · Cheques: mail a POB 61184, Jerusalem, pour “Hemla-Mercaz Hachesed”. S’il vous plait ecriver sur votre lettre que la donation est pour le fond des enfents de la famille Imas.
    · Bank HaDoar: 3-735581. S’il vous plait ecriver sur votre lettre que la donation est pour le fond des enfents de la famille Imas.

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