Petira Of R’ Yonoson Neiman Z”L

We regret to announce the petirah of Reb Yonoson (“Jonas”) Neiman z”l, who was a long-time resident of Brooklyn, where he was known as a highly respected and conscientious mashgiach in the kosher food industry. After he retired, he moved to Yerushalayim, where he lived out his years. The kevurah took place on Tuesday, August 3rd, in Beit Shemesh. Reb Neiman, a Holocaust survivor, was born in Poland and as a young teanager he remembers the Imrei Emes. The Gerrer Rebbe, the Lev Simchah z.t.l’v would honor him due to his closeness with Gerrer Chasidus.
The niftar is survived by his wife, Mrs. Libby Neiman, and two daughters: Mrs. Esther Frimer, wife of Prof. Aryeh Frimer of Rechovot; and Mrs. Rickly Dear, wife of Judge Noach Dear. There are many grandchildren and great-children, all of who are shomrei Torah who carry on the legacy of the niftar. He was man who won the regard and affection of all who knew him, a man who loved Torah, Klal Yisroel, and never spoke ill of others.
Mrs. Dear will sit shivah at her home, 969 East Seventh St, Brooklyn NY 11230, (between Ave. I and “the cut”). Mrs. Neiman and Mrs. Frimer will be sitting shiva in Rechovot, Israel.

May the family have a nechamah in the z’chus of the niftar’s dedication to Torah and in the z’chus of the doros yesharim that he leaves behind.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

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