MVA Victim Tehila Malachi A”H

On Tuesday morning, 17 Tammuz, Mrs. Tehila Malachi z”l, 33, left her Shomron home in Yishuv Ateret and headed for Yishuv Ofrah, where she was employed as a 6th grade teacher. The mother of three who was six months pregnant was armed with the report cards for her students and their last day of classes before heading out to summer recess. Hashem had other plans and the day ended in tragedy. She was killed in a motor vehicle accident before arriving at school, actually close to her home at the Birzeit Bridge.

Israel Police Shai District Traffic Investigations Chief Doron Yisraeli explains the reason Tehila veered from her lane, striking an Arab-driven vehicle may never be known, but the tragedy is real nonetheless.

Paramedic Tzuriel Chezi, first on the scene, confirms the head-on collision was really bad, with the Arab driver reported in light-to-moderate condition and Mrs. Mizrachi in critical condition. Advanced life support was carried out for 50 minutes before Tehila was R”L pronounced dead. She was medevaced to the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Yerushalayim. Efforts to save her fetus were also unsuccessful.

The levaya was held on Tuesday afternoon in the Beit El Cemetery, the community in which she grew up. She is survived by husband Elisha, a son (6), son (3.5) and daughter (2).

As of noon on Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 206 drivers, passengers and pedestrians were killed on Israel’s roadways since January 1, 2010.

A new law has been passed permitting authorities to get tougher with habitual violators, drivers who have amassed 30 points within 5 years or those 5 serious violations in the same time period will have their license suspended for five years. Ministry of Transportation officials add this does not include parking summonses, just driver offenses.

Local authorities will be empowered to curtail the suspension period in cases of medical considerations, but not less than the minimum three years. One seeking leniency based on requiring a driver’s license to earn a livelihood will not qualify for curtailing the five-year period.

As such, in the coming days, hundreds of drivers will be summoned to forfeit their driver’s licenses, having accumulated 50-200 points in the past five years.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. As such, in the coming days, hundreds of drivers will be summoned to forfeit their driver’s licenses, having accumulated 50-200 points in the past five years.

    how were they allowed to accumulate so many points? summoned? the should be arrested!

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