Levaya Of Mrs Chana Stavsky A’H; Former Principal of Tomar Devorah In Brooklyn

candle914YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of mrs. Chana Stavsky, the former principal of Tomar Devorah in Brooklyn.

She was the mother of R’ Yitzhok Stavsky, Mrs. Suki Gross, Mrs. Penina Feigenbaum, Mrs Esti Florans and R’ Yaakov Stavsky.

She was a sister of HaRav Shimon Eider.

The Levaya will be in lakewood at at 11:30AM at 7th Street Chapel.

Kevurah at Wellwood Cemetery, Long Island.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes..

2 Responses

  1. A very special person
    Singlehandedly responsible for hundreds of Girls Chinuch also wrote a few great books

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