Another Infant is R’L Niftar in Eretz Yisrael

candle914Once again EMS was summoned to a home for an infant in cardiac arrest. The call came in for a 4-month-old infant in the Givat Shaul area of Yerushalayim. Ichud Hatzalah reports arriving on the scene together with a MDA paramedic unit and CPR and advanced life support began immediately. The child was transported to Shaare Zedek Hospital as resuscitation continued.

The child was pronounced dead in the hospital after it became apparent resuscitation was unsuccessful. This joins the growing list R”L of infants and young women that have been niftar of late in the frum community in Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. iBDE
    What a tragedy. it just never seems to stop R”L

    Ive been saying that its time for teshuva for a long time already but noone seems to admit it & wake up.

    32 niftar R”L total since 2016 began just 9 weeks ago R”L
    isn’t this shocking & tragic to bear?
    Every niftar is listed & shocking how they were niftar. so noone can deny the wake up call from Hashem for TESHUVA.

    theres noone to blame but ourselves

    May the neshama have an aliya

    may the family have a nechama

    may we all do teshuva ASAP

  2. The SIDS rate in Israel is one tenth that of the USA. While these deaths are tragic, they are not unusual.

    Our doing Teshuva has nothing to do with these tragedies – we do Teshuva in any case.

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