Two Additional Crib Deaths R’L, This Time in Modi’in Illit And Yerushalayim

candle914BD”E: Following two infant deaths in Bnei Brak R”L in recent days, two additional cases are reported in Eretz Yisrael on Thursday morning, 25 Shevat.

In the first case, a 6-month-old was found lifeless in his crib on Sha’agas Aryeh Street in Modi’in Illit. The child was pronounced dead on the scene after CPR and life-saving measures were unsuccessful.

A short time later, at about 6:00AM, EMS was summoned to Yitzchak Tunic Street in Yerushalayim. Ichud Hatzalah began CPR and the child was transported to a hospital in a MDA paramedic ambulance as CPR and advanced life support continued.

Unfortunately, in this case as well, CPR and live-saving efforts were unsuccessful and a 3-month-old infant was pronounced dead in the hospital.

Professor Shimon Reif of Hadassah Medical Center spoke with Mordechai Lavi of Kol Chai Radio on Thursday morning, 25 Shevat. He explains that there is no known explanation for crib death to date and actually, despite what appears to be an increase in cases of late, statistically, there are fewer cases today than in the past.

However, he adds that while the medical community lacks an explanation, there are steps to be taken to reduce instances including a firm mattress, not to warm the home too much, not to place the infant to sleep on his stomach and not to have the infant sleeping in bed next to mom. He explains these are risk factors that have been developed by studying the cases of sudden death.

Prof. Reif adds there are studies that indicate sleeping on one’s stomach leads to a deeper sleep but in this case, this is not the reason for the child not to be placed on his stomach.

The doctor adds that another contributory factor is the second hand smoke in the home of adults, admitting that despite the risk factors, the medical community does not know the reason for SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

The doctor concludes the cases occur more often with boys than girls.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. From WebMD -“10 Steps to Help Prevent SIDS
    Parents who know about SIDS may think of it as their worst nightmare. Sudden infant death syndrome is known as SIDS or crib death. It’s when a baby 12 months or younger dies during sleep with no warning signs or a clear reason.

    Although there is no 100% way to prevent SIDS, there is a lot you can do lower your baby’s risk. Since the American Academy of Pediatrics issued its safe sleep recommendations in 1992 and launched its “Back to Sleep” campaign in 1994, the SIDS rate has dropped more than 60%. In fact, between 1990 and 2013, SIDS rates declined from about 130 deaths per 100,000 infants to about 40 deaths per 100,000.

    Put a Sleeping Baby on His Back

    Your baby’s risk of SIDS is much higher any time he sleeps on his side or stomach. (A baby placed on his side can roll over on his stomach.) These positions put your baby’s face in the mattress or sleeping area, which can smother him.

    So, every time you put your baby in his bed to sleep — for naps, at night, or any time — lay him down on his back.

    Tell anyone who takes care of your baby how essential it is to lay your sleeping baby on his back each time. That includes grandparents, babysitters and childcare providers, older siblings, and others. They may think one time won’t matter, but it can. When a baby who usually sleeps on his back is suddenly laid on his stomach to sleep, the risk of SIDS is much higher.

    If you’re worried your baby might choke while sleeping on his back, don’t be. Choking is very rare, and healthy babies tend to swallow or cough up fluids automatically. If you’re concerned, ask your pediatrician about elevating the head of your baby’s bed.

    Once your baby can roll over both ways, which usually happens around 6 months, he may not stay on his back. That’s OK. It’s fine to let him choose his own sleep position once he knows how to roll over.


    Firm Bed, No Soft Toys or Bedding

    To prevent smothering or suffocation, always lay your baby down to sleep on either a firm mattress or surface in a crib or bassinet. All your baby’s crib needs is the fitted sheet — don’t put blankets, quilts, pillows, sheepskin, stuffed toys, or crib bumpers in your baby’s crib.

    To confirm the safety of your baby’s mattress or crib, contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission at 800-638-2772 or

    Don’t Smoke Around Your Baby

    If you smoke, here’s a huge reason to stop before you get pregnant: Babies born to women who smoked during pregnancy die from SIDS three times more often than babies born to nonsmokers. Smoking when you’re pregnant is a major risk factor for SIDS, and secondhand smoke around your infant also increases the chances of SIDS. Don’t let anyone smoke around your baby.

    Keep Your Sleeping Baby Close, but Not in Your Bed

    When a baby sleeps in the same room as mom, studies show it lowers the risk of SIDS. But it’s dangerous for a baby to sleep with another child or an adult in the same bed, in an armchair, and on a couch.

    If you bring your baby into your bed for comforting or breastfeeding, be sure to put the baby back in his own cradle, bassinet, or crib when you’re ready to sleep.

    Never bring the baby to bed with you when you’re very tired or using medicines that affect your sleep.

    Breastfeed as Long as You Can

    Breastfeeding your baby can lower the risk of SIDS by as much as 50%, though experts aren’t sure why. Some think breast milk may protect babies from infections that raise their SIDS risk. Do not drink alcohol if you breastfeed, because that raises your baby’s risk of SIDS.

    Immunize Your Baby

    Evidence shows babies who’ve been immunized in accordance with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC have a 50% reduced risk of SIDS compared with babies who aren’t fully immunized.


    Consider Using a Pacifier to Put Baby to Sleep

    Putting your baby to sleep with a pacifier may also help prevent SIDS, though researchers aren’t sure why. There are a few tips to follow when using a pacifier:

    If you’re breastfeeding, wait until your baby is breastfeeding regularly (at least 1 month old) before starting to use a pacifier. Introducing a pacifier too soon can lead to nipple confusion and cause your baby to prefer the pacifier’s nipple over your own.
    Don’t force your baby to take the pacifier if he doesn’t want it.
    Put the pacifier in your baby’s mouth when you put him down to sleep, but don’t put it back in his mouth after he falls asleep.
    Keep the pacifier clean, and buy a new one if the nipple is damaged.
    Don’t coat the pacifier with honey, alcohol, or any other substance.
    Keep Your Baby From Overheating

    Because overheating may raise a baby’s risk of SIDS, dress your infant in light, comfortable clothes for sleeping, and keep the room temperature at a level that’s comfortable for an adult.

    If you’re worried about your baby staying warm, dress him in a “onesie,” pajamas that cover arms, legs, hands, and feet, or place him in a “sleep sack” (a wearable blanket). However, don’t use a regular blanket — your baby can get tangled in it or pull the blanket over his face.

    Steer Clear of Products That Claim to Reduce the Risk of SIDS

    It’s best to avoid any product that says it can lower your baby’s risk of SIDS, because they haven’t been proven safe or effective. Cardiac monitors and electronic respirators also haven’t been proven to reduce SIDS risk, so avoid these, too.

    Don’t Give Honey to an Infant Under 1 Year Old

    Because honey can lead to botulism in very young children, never give honey to a child under 1 year old. Botulism and the bacteria that cause it may be linked to SIDS.

    Remember, your baby’s health care provider is always available to answer any questions you have about SIDS, SIDS prevention, and keeping your baby warm, happy, and safe.”

  2. Health.. you posted a Web MD post that says:

    “Immunize Your Baby

    Evidence shows babies who’ve been immunized in accordance with recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC have a 50% reduced risk of SIDS compared with babies who aren’t fully immunized”

    The question I have is how do the immunizations that are filled with toxic chemicals increase a babies ability to fight off sids. It only lowers their natural response ability to regulate their breathing.

  3. Mr. Health,

    As someone who lost a child to SIDS I can tell you that even the doctors admit that they don’t know of any cause and none of your speculation is proven. As a frum Jew we know that there is only one reason these things happen and unfortunately it’s not listed in your comment and that is that the one above decided that it’s time for that infant to return to his creator, everything else is quite frankly a bunch of kfira!

  4. To the posters that said thanks, Your welcome! To the other posters, I’ll try to respond to you in the Coffee Room. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions in the Frum community!

  5. Is anyone doing an investigation to see whether this could be poisoning? Maybe the formula, antibiotics or dear I say – the shots? It doesn’t make sense. Sids is not this common. & some of the stories aren’t even toddlers. Whens the last time you heard a 2 year of dying of “sids”??

  6. Mr Talmud chochom as I sympathize with your loss. Any effort to lower or help a health concern is not Kfira. Should people smoke a pack a day because it’s only doctors that say it causes cancer? No watching over your body is halacha as well and any effort or idea that helps this should be welcomed.

  7. Does anybody in a position to publicize it make a check to see how many of these children had vaccinations in the period not long before their passing? It’s very hard to ask that question when it’s someone you know, but an official agency might be able to gather some facts.

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