Petira of Reb Mordechai Hershkowitz Z”l

candle913.gifReb Mordechai Hershkowitz Z”L of the West Side (Manhattan) was niftar Tuesday morning and taken to Eretz Yisrael for kevurah.

The niftar was born 84 years ago in Grossvardein and lost his parents and all his siblings in the Holocaust. He was a true ehrliche yid who was very careful always to daven with a minyan and to be koveia itim leTorah.

He was “Mr. Bikur Cholim” at Mt Sinai hospital, walking over every Shabbos afternoon and at least once during the week. Always cheerful and happy, he brought simcha to the lives of many who were lonely and depressed.

Hundreds of people from all circles attended the levaya.

May Hashem give comfort to his wonderful and choshuve children and his almonoh.

Shiva at 241 West 97th St. NYC and at the home of his son karav Chayim Dovid in ramat Eshkol, Jerusalem.

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