TRAGEDY: Crash In Arizona Leaves Two Boro Park Girls Dead [UPDATED 4:50PM ET]



UPDATE 4:00PM ET: Sources tell YWN that a private jet arranged by Eli Rowe of StatFlight has departed back for New York with the two Niftarim. Thanks to the work of many Askonim, the local coroner agreed to release the bodies right away to ensure that the funerals will be held as quickly as possible. Dedicated volunteers from Misaskim of Los Angeles drove one of their vehicles more than 500 miles to the scene where they did their Avodas Hakodesh.

The Levaya for Hindy Spira A”H will be held tonight, Tuesday, at around 10:00PM at Shomrei Hadas Chapels on 14th Avenue and 38th Street in Boro Park. The Kevura will be in New Square later tonight.

The Levaya for Raizel Morgenstern A”H will be held tonight, Tuesday, at around 11:00PM at Shomrei Hadas Chapels on 14th Avenue and 38th Street in Boro Park. The Kevura will be in Monsey later tonight.

Rabbi Yanky (Jack) Meyer, the founder of the Misaskim Organization, whose daughter was injured in the crash thanks all those davening for her, and told YWN “Just to update all those davening  for my daughter and the others – my daughter just came out of surgery and b”h is recovering well”.


UPDATE 1:00PM ET: Misaskim of Los Angeles director Malkiel Gradon along with other Los Angeles askanim traveled overnight to Arizona and arrived there early this morning. Some are dealing with Kovod Hames, while the others are coordinating with the survivors until family members arrive from NY which is scheduled at about 2pm Pacific Time. A local Chabad Shaliach was contacted early on, and was with the injured in the hospital.

The cause of the accident remains under investigation. The girls who were sitting in the front seat of the vehicle, were the two occupants who were R”L killed. Thru amazing nissim the rear two passengers survived.

Deputies from the Arizona police are combing the wreckage and should have a more comprehensive report as the day progresses.

UPDATE 9:30AM ET: One occupant of the vehicle is Miriam bas Gittel, who has multiple fractures – including a spinal fracture. She is the daughter of Rabbi Yanky (Jack) Meyer, the founder of the Misaskim Organization. Please be Mispallel for her as she needs Rachamei Shomayim.

Rabbi Yanky Meyer gave the following statement to YWN: “I ask everyone to spread the word that my daughter is not the only one injured. Please say Tehillm for Faiga Sarah bas Bracha Chaya, and for the families that are suffering from this great tragedy that they should have the strength to pull through this tough time”.


5:30AM ET: Two girls from Boro Park were R”L killed when the vehicle they were traveling in collided with a tractor trailer. The accident occurred on 26 Menachem Av, the night between Monday and Tuesday. The fatal accident occurred in Arizona.

Two girls were killed and two others sustained non-life-threatening injuries. The girls were on vacation when a vehicle veered from the opposite lane, crashing into them.

The names of the victims z”l are Hindy Spira (24) and Raizel Morgenstern.

Misaskim has been working though the night with the families in Boro Park, and tell YWN that a private jet has been arranged to fly the deceased to NY for the Levayos.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

28 Responses

  1. Terrible terrible tragedy!!! These were top chashuva girls….
    Amazing how the other 2 got out alive from that inferno after the crash!!!

    Moderators Note: Inferno?

  2. What heartbreaking news! But IY”H, R Yanky Meyer’s daughter and her friend should have a complete Refuah Shleima in the zechus of all he does for the greater community.

  3. So sad! Thankfully Arizona officials allowed them to be flown to NY and did not require an autopsy. Oy when will Yidden cease to suffer such horrible tragedies? How many more קרבנות does the אויבערשטער want from us???
    גענוג שוין
    ומחה ה דמעה מעל כל פנים ושיתנחמו הוריהן מן השמים בתוך שאר אבלי ציון

  4. Two beautiful neshumes
    Tow promising Jewels ….

    Chazal teach us
    That before the golden calf
    Right after the entrustmant to us
    By hashem , we reached a
    Elevation of the soul
    To where we each were granted
    Two crown jewels and post our foolishness we with our actions
    Were no longer worthy such beauty
    And thus were taken back ,
    And of course who is really to know ?

    Who could say?

    But to share a tragedy
    Ever so Enormous
    A tragedy
    In where promising mothers
    Of sweet loving children and grand children and sweet daughters of mothers , some to which are really
    Examples of how a yiddisha maame should be , than how else could we think , except
    That they were two jewels
    of klal yisroel to which we were no longer worthy–of ….
    “What else could we say , only tears – rivetting tears – and to implore shumaim for rachmim , because if our anguish is ravaging than how much more the one who created these pure sweet neshumes , how much is hkb”h -his pain kivyuche….!

  5. I think its time we finally all confess to Hashem & Admit that its time for us to do teshuva as a nation & to put an end to this time of non stop tzaros.

    these 2 girls were just added to a list of over 140 infants & kids niftar in strange ways just over the last 2 years alone R”L

    4 others have just passed away this month in august R”L

    1)Shira Banki-Of Yerushalyim Israel-stabbed at a Toaiva riot by another yid & died at hospital-August 1 2015-16

    2)Moshe Bar-Shalom-from Yerushalyim Israel-Drowned in Pool in Moshav S’dei Alon-August 2 2015-9

    3)Private Dan Sela-of Afula Israel-IDF soldier died during heat wave in Israel-August 4 2015-18

    4)Achinoam meir-of Israel-Vacation traveling in hula Valley during heat wave & died-August 8 2015-8

    May all their neshamos have an aliya

  6. BD”E

  7. we dont know ehy things happen but do we believe that all of the cell phones being used in shul during davening will help our teffilos reach hashem or is it time to at least fix one abomination. as tragedies unfold we keep saying”daven” and yet how are we treating “davening” on a day to day basis. if the gedolim can say that it is a reason for the crusade massacres etc then do we have a right to scream about this horrible issue ? or are we going to start shooting the messenger gain because it is most convenient thing to do

  8. Reizy morgonstern was 23 year old she was a great teacher she always have a big smile on her face she would prepare great fun lessons for her students was an amazing actor and had a great voice she had a main part in change by Malky ginger may משיח come this year and we Klah yiseral will see all these beautiful נשמה again b”h we should all take opon something on ourself

  9. bde we are all truly pained to hear this our hearts go out to the families. The comment above about not using cell phones in shul during davining is very true and thanks for the reminder its a big chizuk. I will bli neder from today on try much harder not to text or use my cell phone during davining for any reason. Its a big bizoyin to sit and focus on your phone while your talking to the melech malchay hamlochim .it is he that we have to be thankful to for everything we have!! Ill be going to mariv in twenty minutes and that cell phone of mine will be on silent and i wont take it out of my pocket!! I hope i was able to at least have 1 or2 people also accept this upon themselves And through these type of kabolas we will iyh see and hear of no more tragic news!!

  10. Would you be able to post Reizy Morgenstern’s parents’ names? Or is that too private for here?
    I’m asking because I know of a Morgenstern family and there are a lot of raizys in their extended family.

  11. I can’t stop thinking about this tragedy. I have no words, just tears. Yes – Hashem is definitely sending ALL of us messages, but are we listening? We MUST do teshuva!
    May Hashem comfort the families of the two beautiful girls whose lives were taken. And may the other two beautiful girls have a refuah shelayma.

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