Levaya Of Longtime Hatzolah Paramedic Binyom Greenspan Z”L To Be Held At Boro Park Hatzolah Garage Today

candle914YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of longtime Hatzolah member R’ Binyomin Greenspan, known to many by his Hatzolah Unit ID “RV-6”.

As YWN reported, R’ Binyomin suffered a cardiac arrest three weeks ago on Motzei Shabbos and was transported to Maimonides Hospital, where he remained in critical condition until his Petira over Shavuos.

R’ Binyomin was a Hatzolah member and Paramedic for the past 30 years, saving countless lives. He lived in Boro Park, and was a teacher for many years at Yeshiva of Brooklyn Boys School in Flatbush.

The Levaya will be held at 1:00PM today (Tuesday) in front of the Boro Park Hatzolah garage on 16th Avenue and 52nd Street. The Levaya will proceed to JFK Airport Cargo Area B, Building 23. The kevura will be in Eretz Yisroel.

Please be aware that due to the Levaya, 16th Avenue between 51st Street and 53rd Street will be completely shut down from 12:00 today until approx 2:15.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. BDE, Binyamin was a selfless man. Didn’t have the nice car and lights. He was just totally selfless. We all will be missing him dearly. I’ve seen him rushing to calls to help yiddin in such an unassuming manner. Yes, he was a medic however he didn’t demand any respect for himself. He was a true role model in the regards of how he treated another person in need! May moshiach come speedily!

  2. Yes, he was the mashgiach at Oppenhemer’s Hotel in Fleishmann. Did a wonderful job. He never married but will be missed by all who knew him.

  3. Shocking at how light a turn out at the levaya. I would have expected every hatzola member from boro park, the hundreds of people he helped over the years, and the many lives he saved. Sad that in the end, it was only his few close friends and large extended family that managed to come.
    And for the person asking, yes he was Fleischman’s Hatzoloh.

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