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HaGaon Rav Yisrael Yosef Israelzon ZATZAL

candle732.gifThe news of the petira of HaGaon Rav Yisrael Yosef Israelzon ZT”L on Wednesday spread quickly in the Torah community. Rav Israelzon was considered among the greats, a marbitz Torah and Rosh Yeshiva of Beis Medresh Govoa L’Avreichim al Shem HaRav Bar Shaul Rechovot. He was niftar in Sheba Medical Center during the afternoon.

The niftar was born to Rebi Dov ZT”L, among the more well known Chassidim in the Slonim Court in Baranowitz and a leader of the local chareidi community.

As a youth, he learned under Rav Elchonon Wasserman ZT”L in Baranowitz. It was during that period that he was known as a ilui and as one who exhibited total mesirus nefesh for limud Torah. When the war broke out, he continued learning with great mesirus nefesh and self-sacrifice, under abhorrent conditions.

An orphan, he came to Eretz Yisrael at a young age, and Gavad Ponovitz ZT”L took the young orphan under his wing, looking after his needs and personally directing his development. As his greatness become know, he merited becoming the son-in-law of Maran Rav Elyashiv Shlita.

Following his wedding, he continued his rigid schedule of limud in Ponovitz. With the birth of the Rechovot chareidi community some 38 years ago, a decision was made to open a kollel avreichim, the Kehilos Yaakov and Avi Ezri ZT”L were approached to assist in finding the appropriate leader for the new beis medresh/kollel. They were referred to the nifar, who they assured would meet the challenge and bring the light of Torah into the community.

For over 60 years, the niftar gave shiurim, including a daf yomi in Bet Knesset Divrei Shir in Bnei Brak. During the framework of his shiurim, he completed Shas almost 9 times.

He was hospitalized two weeks ago and talmidim and rabbonim have been reciting tefillos on his behalf since. His kvura was on Wednesday in the Ponovitz Beis HaChayim near the kevarim of Gedolei Yisrael ZT”L.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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