Petira Of 5-Year-Old Terror Victim Adele Biton A”H


YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of five-year-old Adele Biton A”H, who was critically injured in a vehicular accident that occurred as a result of a rock-throwing attack in Shomron. She was a passenger in her mothers vehicle which was bombarded with rocks by Arabs near Ariel in Shomron. Her mom lost control of the vehicle and slammed into the rear of a truck parked on the side of the road.

After 18-months of operations and hospitalization, Adele was permitted to return home in August 2014.

Now, a half year after being sent home, Adele slipped into critical condition in Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikvah with a severe of pneumonia, which has led to systemic complications. Her condition deteriorated rapidly until her Petira just a few minutes ago.

Levaya details have still not been announced.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes


(Chaim Shaprio – YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. I am so sorry! I have been following Adele’s recovery and rejoiced with every milestone she hit. Most of us who were following Adele and her family know this accident happened a while ago and not recently. The article tells you it happened 18 months ago. My thoughts are with this wonderful family!

  2. Baruch Dayan HaEmett. Hashem yikom dmamm. My charusa and I were just studying last night in this precious child’s merit.
    Hashem please bring Moshiach…sighhh

  3. BDE!

    Will we hear any condolences from Susan Rice or the great war hero, John Kerry? I thought so.

    The Anti Semites at the State Department are too busy writing up another strong worded statement condemning Israel for allowing Jewish residents of Jerusalem to extend their porches in a horrific act of provocation!

  4. Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
    Her Holy Neshama will surely sit in the highest places in Shamayim.
    May she be a meilitzah yesharah for her family who endured such prolonged suffering and for all of Klal Yisrael.
    H-Shem Yikom Damah.

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