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Obituary: Corporal Yousef Muadi

Golani Brigade Corporal Yousef Muadi, 19, from Haifa, was a member of Israel’s Druse community. He was one of the soldiers killed in a mistaken fire incident in Gaza.

Yousef’s father, Samir, in an officer serving in Yehuda & Shomron in the Ministry of Agriculture and his mother, Waffa, is a teacher in Dalyat al-Carmel. They were extremely concerned for Yousef’s well-being from the moment they heard he was entering Gaza. A brother, Asir, 14, stated, “I asked him to watch out for himself. I miss him already.”

Samir, 50, also served in Golani, explaining Yousef really wanted to carry on the tradition. “It’s a big loss” he added, “despite our belief in one’s fate”. “It is more painful knowing he was killed by our own forces. I know we raised him in a good home, with a love for his country, honesty, integrity, and respect for others. He yearned for peace.”

Yousef is survived by his parents and to siblings. He was laid to rest in the Bircha Military Cemetery.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. To the family of Yousef Muadi

    Your son died while fighting a war for peace.
    There is no greater sacrifice.
    May his memory be a blessing to you.
    May God Comfort you.
    May he rest in peace, among the fallen soldiers for peace throughout history.


    A Jew in New York who thanks you for your sacrifice.

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