Names of the Four French Terror Victims HY”D


French Jewish community officials released the names of the four victims of the erev Shabbos  terrorist attack in the kosher grocery store eastern Paris.

The victims HY”D were members of the local Jewish community. They are identified as:
1. Yoav Hattab, 21, son of the Chief Rabbi of Tunis
2. Philippe Braham, in his 40s
3. Yohan Cohen, 22
4. Francois-Michel Saada, in his 60s

Organizers announced a silent march against terrorist will take place in France on Sunday, 20 Teves. They hope that as many as 1 million people will take part in the event.

Funeral arrangements are to be announced. The families are considering kvura in Eretz Yisrael in a combined state funeral.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses


  2. @kehath64-

    Unfortunately, Khal yisroel is to comfortable in Galus.. There feeling is, it happened to “them… Over there…” and until G-d forbid hits USA… There will be no out pour…

  3. @Ticked off Yid:

    You are in golus wherever you are, including in Israel. Don’t make the mistake of thinking golus is over in Israel before Moshiach comes. We are in danger in Israel just as much as anywhere else.

  4. #3: In this past week’s Parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu was afflicted with Tzora’as for speaking lashon hara about Klal Yisroel.

    Be careful what you say.

  5. Its only a matter of time until this madness hits the USA.Folks feeling very comfortable here, wining and dining, vacationing, living it up. It will unfortunately come to an end when this reign of terror hits the US

  6. @cholent

    No, no one was killed in a crossfire.

    2 were murdered immediately when the terrorist entered.

    The terrorist told a sales girl that she had to bring up people hiding downstairs or he would kill then all. 2 men came up. One of them picked up a gun the terrorist had put down while eating, and was murdered then.
    The last one entered the store as the shutters were being closed as he wanted a challah. The girl tried to stop him entering but the terrorist told her to let him in.

  7. Rabosi!! In the morning go and cover your face with your talis and say to Hashem “I’m sorry for what I’ve done to you”. This is called tshuva lets all do this together and we will see a 100% yeshua.

  8. To No. 6

    Do you think the 200+ goyim blown up in Oklahoma City by a right wing terrorist or the 300+ children and adults butchered in Aurora, Colorado or Sandy Hook Connecticut etc. were “too comfortable” in America. There is evil in the world and you cannot be “100 percent safe” anywhere. If you guys want to live your life feeling that you are at risk and could die any moment, that’s your call. However most normal yidden will go on and live their lives and thank the Ebeshter every morning when they daven that they have survived another day. Stop crying Gevalt about the Galus since thats probably where you and your children and maybe their children will be for most of their lives. I just checked and Moisiach ain’t riding down Eastern Parkway or the Champs-Élysée.

  9. Got this from chaver shliach from France
    The bochur who normally does mivtza tefilin at the store Hypercacher in Paris where the hostages were taken, took by accident his Rabeinu Tam Tefilin on Friday. when he saw that he had Rabeinu Tam, he returned to yeshiva

  10. BDE

    oy vei with a tzitter… can anyone comfort me? I am a mourner now… these 4 special people are my brothers…. my pain for them & their families is endless…. can you be menachaim me & help stop my tears from rolling down my cheeeeks?

    What a terrible tragedy to occur.
    TEARS are rolling down my cheeks as I write this sad message R”L which could have been totally avoided.

    think this is bad? it only gets worse R”L..

    look at the recent children tragedies Niftar over the last few weeks.

    1)Moshe Schreiber-son of Dovid & Rochel of Lakewood-infant unresponsive, apparently from SIDS-December 1 2014-3 months old

    2)Blima Friedman-daughter of Yaakov and Sarah of Boro Park-struck and pinned under a vehicle-December 2 2014-10

    3)Shmuel Langelban,-of the U.S. & living in Yerushalayim with the Shuva Banim Community- killed in a MVA heading from London to Amsterdam-December 10 2014-19

    4)Nosson Druk-a resident of Yerushalayim.with the Shuva Banim Community-killed in a MVA heading from London to Amsterdam December 10 2014-16

    5)Boy from Beit Shemesh-Burned In home fire-December 23 2014-10

    6)Batsheva Esther Wolfson-daughter of Meir & Chava of Lakewood-child hit by car-December 24 2014-2

    7)Boy From Betar Illit R”L Killed In bus Crash during snow storm On Route 375 -January 7 2015-13

    Do YOU remember these very recent tragedies?

    Look at their young ages & the ways they were Niftar. in such a short span of time.

    do YOU think this is coincidence?

    NO MORE SIGNS OF TRAGEDIES NEEDED FROM HASHEM if we all start teshuva NOW we won’t need any more of these tragic wake-up calls from Hashem

    May their neshamos have an Aliya

    Will we ever wake up? is there any hope for us? if we haven’t woken up yet after hundreds of non-stop tragedies R”L occurring will we ever?

    Let me know if YOU are ready to do teshuva together with klal yisroel so this can stop already & mashiach can come Bim’heira

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