Levaya of Rabbi Chaim Yehoshua Leeder Z”L

candle71.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Rabbi Chaim Yehoshua Leeder Z”L, a long-time member of the MTJ-Yeshiva of Staten Island Kollel. The Levaya will take place on Tuesday  evening in the Yeshiva of Staten Island at 7:00PM.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

3 Responses

  1. Reb Yehoshua was a major talmid chochom a very big bal chesed and ohev es habrious a anav anyone who knew him will agree it was a great loss for klal Yisroel

  2. As a child Reb Yehoshua grew up in Boston, he was a Math and Science genius. He went to a few Yeshivos then proceeded on to Itry in Israel where he continued in his developing into a rare but tremendous talmid chacham. He was a person who understood the intricate cheshbon gemaras we all spend days trying to grasp. He was a person one could talk to in any mesechta leaving you with a feeling like Reb Yehoshua just learned that sugya. He was a man you could talk to on any story or halacha in the entire tanach mishna and shulchan aruch. He was a massive nistar in that while he’d fix your car , cabinet, sink, pump your basement water,replace an outlet, connect a phone line or unclog a toilet or drainpipe, you’d hear a pshat somewhere in the Torah he felt you were comfortable with while explaining it on your level. Any and every person alike were comfortable talking to him. He was pleasant undemanding yet unwavering in his staunch emuna and avodas Hashem. He was a true shliach tzibur, always on call for any jew in need at all hours of the day and night available to fix, talk, invite and encourage, never making anyone feel any discomfort for calling. What a loss !!! Who can describe the Staten Island communities feeling of loss, bereft without such an Ish Tov Veshalaim
    Yehai Zichro Baruch

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