Levaya Of HaRav Shlomo Perl ZATZAL

candle914YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRav Shlomo Pearl ZATZAL of Flatbush.

Rav Pearl was known for the countless Halacha Shiurim he delivered in Flatbush and other areas, with thousands of people downloading them from many online Torah websites which offer Shiurim. He was a tremendous Baki in Halacha, which was evident to anyone listening to his Shiurim. Yet, despite his massive Hasmada, and tremendous Yiras Shomayim, Rav Pearl was an simple person and one could never tell they were in the presence of such a great Talmid Chochom, and Tzadik.

One has to just listen to how Rav Pearl began his Shiurim to understand what a Tzadik he was. Shiur number 997, delivered at the Agudah of Avenue L begins as follows:

“Nine hundred and ninety seven”, begins Rabbi Pearl.

“I love you Ribono Shel Olam,  I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.”

“Ein Od Milvado, Ein Od Milvado!”

Rav Pearl delivered his Shiurim as long as he was physically able, despite being stricken with illness.

His Petira is a tremendous loss to the Flatbush community.

The Levaya will be held on Sunday afternoon at 5:00PM at Shomrei Hachomos, 4218 Ft. Hamilton Parkway, in Brooklyn.

The Kevura will be in Lakewood.

Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes…

(Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. What a tzadik, what an onov, what a tremendous talmid chochom. Chaval al d’ovdin vlo mishtakchin. I knew him personally. BH that I was zoche to know such a man.

  2. Rav Shlomo z”l was an amazing person! He epitomized the chazal. אין לך דבר העומד בפני הרצון.
    He began being a NYC public school teacher.He ran the NYC Marathon at least twice! He subsequently took seriously ill and made a neder to haShem that if He healed him he would become an expert in Hilchos Shabbos.
    He kept his word!
    He traveled to EY during the summer breaks (in those days teachers were off in July and August) and spent countless hours with Rav Yeshuah Noibirt, famous author of hilchos Shabbos seforim, שמירת שבת כהלכתה, as well as Rav Shloma Zalmen Auerbach זכרונם של צדיקים לברכה, and became a self made expert. And he kept his word and taught Hilchos Shabbos to the masses.
    יהי זכרו ברוך

  3. Anybody remember his concepts? The first one was, “A journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step.”
    He used to jog to TT and teach in the afternoon.
    What a great teacher he was.

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